P OLITICAL P ARTY C HANGES Anti-slavery factions Whig Party Split over the slavery issue American Party (Know-Nothings) Republican Party “Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men!”
F RICTION AND V IOLENCE Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852) The Impending Crisis of the South Hinton Helper (1857) Violence in the Senate Harper’s Ferry – John Brown (1859) “Bleeding Kansas” Hoped to set off a slave rebellion
D RED S COTT D ECISION Supreme Court (pro-South majority) Dred Scott (1856) Case promoted by anti-slavery groups Decision Chief Justice Taney (1857) Not a citizen, therefore no standing in court Congress couldn’t prohibit slavery in a territory Reaction Lincoln/Douglas debates Eric Foner
E LECTION OF 1860 & S ECESSION Panic of 1857 Democratic Party Split at 1860 convention Republican Party Opposed the extension of slavery, but defended the right if states to control own “domestic institutions” Election of 1860 Lincoln won
E LECTION OF 1860 & S ECESSION Secession S. Carolina December 20, 1860 Blamed the election of Lincoln President Buchanan – “lame duck” Compromise efforts failed