The Modern Era
Important Dates 1750 ca – The Industrial Revolution starts in England 1756 – The Seven Years War starts 1763 – Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years’ War 1769 – James Watt improves steam engine 1789 – French Revolution Starts 1805 – 1815 – Napoleonic Wars 1812 – War of 1812 between Britain and US 1815 – Congress of Vienna 1839 – 1842 – Opium Wars between Britain and China 1848 – Year of Revolutions ( France, Prussia, Italy and Austria) 1853 – 1856: Crimean War, between Russia and Europe 1871 – Unification of Germany under Bismarck 1871 – 1912 – Scramble for Africa 1871 – 1914 – Second Industrial Revolution 1884 – Berlin Conference
Group Work Take 7 minutes to discuss the Change and Continuities seen in Europe through the Modern Era Write a quick summary for the social/cultural, religious, intellectual, political, technological, economic and demographic changes/continuities of the time
Important Dates 1805 – 1848 – Muhammad Ali westernizes Egypt, asserting some independence from Ottoman Empire after European (Napoleon) powers invade 1820 – 1823 – Muhammad Ali conquered the Sudan 1829 – Greeks gain their independence from the Ottomans 1869 – In Egypt, the Suez Canal was opened 1870 – Romania and Bulgaria fought for Independence from the Ottoman Empire
Group Work Take 5 minutes to discuss the Change and Continuities seen in the Middle East through the Modern Era Write a quick summary for the social/cultural, religious, intellectual, political, technological, economic and demographic changes/continuities of the time
Important Dates 1750: Height of African Slave Trade 1795: British seize control of Cape Colony, South Africa, from Dutch 1815: British declare formal control of Cape Colony : Shaka Zulu chief of the Zulu unifies many African tribes : "Great Trek" of Boers to lands north of South Africa 1869: Italians defeated by Ethopians : The "scramble for Africa" begins : Zulu Wars with Great Britain. 1879: Europeans "partition" West Africa 1882: British takeover of Egypt : At the Berlin Conference, intense rivalries among Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, and Portugal for additional African territory 1890: Europeans "partition" East Africa : Boer War in South Africa
Group Work Take 5 minutes to discuss the Change and Continuities seen in the Africa through the Modern Era Write a quick summary for the social/cultural, religious, intellectual, political, technological, economic and demographic changes/continuities of the time
Important Dates 1762: Catherine the Great named empress 1772: Partition of Poland between Austria, Prussia and Russia 1773: Pugachev’s Rebellion : The Russo-Turkish War between Russia and the Ottoman Empire : China and Great Britain fought the Opium Wars 1842: Treaty of Nanking gave Great Britain Hong Kong and allowed them to build ports on the coast of China : The Taiping Rebellion in China cost 30 million lives. 1854: Matthew Perry arrives in Japan : The Sepoy Mutiny in India. 1861: Alexander II of Russia emancipated the serfs 1868: Meiji Restoration: westernizing Japan 1890: Accession of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia : The Sino-Japanese War fought between China and Japan for Korea : The Boxer Rebellion in China 1905 – Revolution of 1905 in Russia against tsarist regime
Group Work Take 6 minutes to discuss the Change and Continuities seen in the Asia through the Modern Era Write a quick summary for the social/cultural, religious, intellectual, political, technological, economic and demographic changes/continuities of the time
Important Dates 1756: French and Indian War 1776: American Revolution 1803: US acquired the Louisiana Territories from the French. 1804: Haiti gains independence from France. 1810: Miguel Hidalgo leads charge for Mexican Independence 1812: War of 1812 between Britain and US : Simon Bolivar leads revolutions in Latin America 1821: Mexico wins independence from Spain 1822: Jose de San Martín and Bolivar lead Peruvian independence 1822: Brazil declares independence from Portugal : Pedro II industrializes Brazil : The Transcontinental railroad was built in the US : Second Industrial Revolution (Germany, USA) 1898: Spanish-American War : The Philippine-American War
Group Work Take 6 minutes to discuss the Change and Continuities seen in the Americas through the Modern Era Write a quick summary for the social/cultural, religious, intellectual, political, technological, economic and demographic changes/continuities of the time
Prompt Describe and analyze the cultural, economic, and political impact of revolutions on ONE of the following regions between 1750 C.E. and 1900 C.E. Be sure to discuss continuities as well as change. Americas Europe Asia Construct a thesis with the remaining time in class. This will be a quiz grade to be sure to have all of the elements required for a CCOT these (change, continuities, as well as the time period and 3 specific ways you will prove it – don’t just restate the prompt)