Amman | Johannesburg | London | Mexico City | Ramallah | Washington Beyond Land Tenure Regularisation: Achieving Sustainability Richard Baldwin, Clive English, Gavin Adlington DAI Europe
Contents Where we are with land registration Innovative Solutions for Registry = TRUST Achieving sustainability in the long term
Introduction Property rights are essential foundations for poverty alleviation How can rights be secured? “Fit for purpose” paradigm has led to image based methods, more relaxed spatial accuracy and lower cost, greater involvement of communities How do you support registration? Need to have a cost effective solution to record changes
Current Context Low cost registration at scale is now a reality — Rwanda –whole country, 10 million parcels <$7 per parcel — Ethiopia – LIFT registering 14 million parcels — Tanzania – looking at scaling up CCRO programmes — Namibia – registering customary land rights in N Namibia Land administration systems require continued investment to meet the needs of all parcels on the registry The “Fit for Purpose” paradigm should be extended to address service delivery and sustainability – need similar breakthrough
What do we register? The Continuum of Land Rights – UNDP 2010 Normally we register formal land rights – requires huge effort to establish -- why not record whatever we have? Extend “fit for purpose” idea to record what exists
How do you register? DAI pioneered development of low cost participatory LTR in Rwanda, Ethiopia Cloudburst tested idea of using mobile phones to collect village based data using USAID LTRM developed MAST tool New approach = provide tools and facilitate communities to do carry out registration themselves
Mobile Application for Secure Tenure (MAST) MAST has two parts a)Mobile application: mobile phone records the boundary information and claimant details, plus other info (eg neighbours) and then uploads to cloud based server b)Web based data management application – allows editing and cleaning of data, preparation and printing of CCRO. This is done at District Land Office MAST manages the registration – but no support for maintenance and cannot manage transactions – how to provide the registry function?
Innovative Solutions for Registry We see three basic approaches (and variations) Traditional system integrator approaches with proprietary / bespoke software Open Source generic solutions (SOLA, Open Tenure) Global Technology platforms with crowdsourcing or intermediaries (eg Cadasta) Need to link data capture and data maintenance at local level and have flexibility in what is recorded
Innovative Solutions for Registry = TRUST We propose a new approach --- Technical Register under Social Tenure (TRUST) Records what exists formal, informal etc Local registry solution simple for communities to manage Supports secondary registration sales, transfers etc. Cloud based back up and links to national systems TRUST provides “bottom up” solution at community level and we link community based data capture to community based management of data
Innovative Solutions = MAST + TRUST DAI is developing and applying concept in Tanzania linking TRUST and MAST Will be deployed at District and Village level (2 districts, 40 villages) Link to national system to be established (ILMIS project) USAID LTA project ( ) will scale up the MAST approach and link with TRUST to provide sustainable solution at community level for both land rights capture and management
Innovative Solutions = MAST + TRUST Application for updating/ request for information MAST data capture toolTRUST low-cost software in district/village TRUST CCRO Issued
Achieving sustainability in the long term For Sustainability, people need to understand the need for registration of changes and must want to do it There must be a real benefit in registration There must be a demand for registration services There must be a system able to provide services It must operate at an affordable cost Even with MAST/TRUST solution still need a long term DEMAND for services
Conclusions Sustainability beyond initial land registration Low cost community sourcing of data needs to be matched with low cost community management of data - TRUST model is a possible solution We need to be sure that the land tenure structures are such that transactions can be easily carried out and are suited to market needs so that demand is stimulated We should concentrate on providing tools and facilitation and encourage organic take up by communities
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