OT 460 Week One Fall 2012
Evaluation Process: What client wants and needs to do Determination of what the client can do and has done Identify factors that are supports or barriers to the health and participation OTPF 8/30/2012OT 4602
Occupational Profile: Client’s needs, problems, and concerns Analysis of Occupational Performance “Collecting and interpreting information using assessment tools designed to observe, measure, and inquire about factors that support or hinder occupational performance” (OTPF, p. 649) 8/30/2012OT 4603
Occupational Profile Client-centered approach “…a summary of information that describes the client’s occupational history and experiences, patterns of daily living, interests, values, and needs Find out what is currently important and meaningful to client 8/30/2012OT 4604
Analysis of Occupational Performance Involves the client’s performance, the context and environment, and the activity Synthesizing information from the occupational profile Figuring out the focus of occupations and contexts Selecting and performing specific assessments that measure a client’s performance skills and patterns Identifying and measuring client factors, contexts, and activity demands 8/30/2012OT 4605
Interpretation of assessment data to identify strengths, supports, and barriers Creating goals with the client Establishment of method for measuring outcomes of interventions Defining potential intervention types and approaches 8/30/2012OT 4606
To understand what occupations the person wants and needs to do To determine the person’s level of independence in desired occupations To determine client factors that are facilitating or inhibiting occupational performance To measure a person’s performance skills To identify performance patterns To interpret performance and identify strengths, weaknesses, goals 8/30/2012OT 4607