auto N omous, self-Learning, OPTI mal and comp L ete U nderwater S ystems NOPTILUS FP7-ICT : Information and Communication Technologies NOPTILUS Meeting Introduction Elias Kosmatopoulos Final Review Meeting Porto, Portugal
[Final Review Meeting], [30 June 2015], [Oporto]2 FP NOPTILUS The need for Multi-AUV Systems Sea- and Underwater Operations call for the deployment of multi-AUV systems able to be rapidly and efficiently deployed Seabed mapping, port monitoring operations, spot drunken containers/ships/…., track of oil spills, fisheries, mariculture, underwater mining, underwater archaeology, … Single AUV system “cannot do the work” Existing multi-AUV systems: many single-AUVs operating simultaneously (very limited or no cooperation) Deployment of cooperative systems of underwater vehicles infeasible as it is practically impossible for the operators to concurrently monitor/navigate the vehicles and coordinate with other operators. NOPTILUS main objective is to determine – fully- autonomously & in real-time – the AUVs’ trajectories/behavior that maximize situation awareness subject to the severe communication, sensing & environmental limitations
[Final Review Meeting], [30 June 2015], [Oporto]3 FP NOPTILUS The NOPTILUS Objectives To develop a system where the swarm of AUVs receives one - or more – objectives and they autonomously and cooperatively decide where to go and what to do so as to fullfil the objective(s). Autonomous/cooperative navigation is not ENOUGH! Severe communication limitations Localization problematic (no GPS) Severe sensing limitations (can you “see through murky water”?) What happens when some of the AUVs’ operation becomes problematic (something that frequently happens: loss-of- localization/communication, “caught on a fishing net”, strong currents, ….)? Most importantly: is it possible to deploy the system rapidly (we need it now)?
[Final Review Meeting], [30 June 2015], [Oporto]4 FP NOPTILUS The NOPTILUS Achievements A “plug-n-play” tool for the autonomous/cooperative navigation of multi-AUV systems when deployed for mapping/dynamic process tracking missions Advanced modules for localization, creation of underwater acoustic maps and “see through murky waters” Advanced motion control and sensory motor control modules Event Recognition and Understanding module
[Final Review Meeting], [30 June 2015], [Oporto]5 FP NOPTILUS Chronological Review 1 AUV Basic Navigation Module (NM) 2 AUVs Cooperative NM Plug-n-play web-system Vision system 3 AUVs Acoustic Map Advanced NM Cooperative Localization Target Tracking Vision system Situation Understanding 4 AUVs Different Sensor Modalities Advanced Motion Control Open Sea Sensory-motor control Situation Understanding
[Final Review Meeting], [30 June 2015], [Oporto]6 FP NOPTILUS Project Management – 4 th Period No major problem occurred Some delay in delivering the deliverables Delay in completing the financial reporting before the Project Review