Global Technology Transfer and Commercialization: Policies and Instruments Dr. Didier Kane The University of Texas at Austin (USA) IC² Institute – Global Commercialization Group
What is Technology Transfer? It is the process of transferring the research results from educational and research institutions to the private sector, in order to enable the development of products, services or technologies from the knowledge at these institutions In Global Technology Transfer, the transfer is to the private sector in other countries
Transfer of knowledge and technologies: Technology transfer offices Number of Technology transfer Offices (TTOs) in the U.S. 1920s: Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation 1930s: Iowa State Patents Foundation 1940s: MIT Licensing 1950s: University of Minnesota Foundation 1969: Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing The Bayh/Dole Act of 1980 did stimulate the formation of TTOs
Transfer of knowledge and technologies: Technology transfer offices GIS Transfer Center Foundation established on 18th of December, 2000 in Sofia by 12 FOUNDERS, from which the main two are Bulgarian Academy of Science and Technical University of Sofia In 2006, less than 30% of Bulgarian Universities had some form of Technology Transfer or Innovation Office First TTOs at Sofia University (*) and at Ruse University (**) in 2008 National Technology Transfer Office in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (TTO- ICT) at BAIT is established in 2012 TTO Network, established in May 2013, headed by the GIS Transfer Centre Foundation-Sofia, united 23 TTOs from Bulgaria. Today, they have 29 technology transfer centers. Number of Technology transfer Offices (TTOs) in Bulgaria (*) Source: Bojil Dobrev, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (*) Source: Lilyana Pavlova, & Ludmila Ivancheva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
New EU initiative to build capacity for technology transfer PROGRESS-TT (Public Research Organization GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer Launched on January 20, 2015 European Commission initiative to improve the capacity of public research organizations to convert investment in research into commercial returns through innovation Led by Pera Consulting (UK) Ltd, brings together nine highly qualified international partners (ASTPProton, DSM Nutritional Products, Fraunhofer MOEZ, Knowledge Innovation Market, MI.TO Technology, Philips Intellectual Property & Standards, University of Bologna, and VTT Ventures) PROGRESS-TT will form ‘teams’ of experienced TTO performers, industry, funds and high potential PROs
Transfer of knowledge and technologies: Roles of Technology Transfer Office Technology Transfer (Transfer of the output of University research to Industry) Support for the implementation and commercialization of innovations Conferences, education and training Start-ups support (Business planning, mentoring, incubation)
Transfer of knowledge and technologies: Technology Transfer Office Contracts Cooperative Research Cost-Shared Contracts Exchange Programs Grants and Cooperative Agreements Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Patents/Licensing Personnel Exchanges Test Service Agreements (TSA) Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Use of Laboratory Facilities Technology Transfer Mechanisms Alignment
Transfer of knowledge and technologies: Managing the disclosure process Establishing a comprehensive disclosure process will help to ensure that all requisite information is captured as the invention continues on through the commercialization process.
Horizon 2020 Training: Global Technology Transfer and Commercialization Commercialization of scientific results: generating revenue from research Definition of Tangible research Property May not be eligible for patenting Could be licensed without patenting May have been labor-intensive to produce Has been used in research and is known to work Other entities may in interested in accessing this rather than doing the labor-intensive and risky work themselves Examples of Tangible Research Property Biological materials Chemical compounds Electrical schematics diagrams Mechanical design drawings Prototype devices Computer software Computer databases Detailed descriptions or compilations of laboratory procedures Analytical methods “Know-how"
Commercialization of scientific results: Technology Licensing Components of a License Background Definitions Grants and Field of Use Financial terms Diligence Renegotiation Major business components: Royalty scheme Grant of the use of the technology Diligence Sublicensing What is technology licensing? An agreement whereby an owner of a technological intellectual property (the licensor) allows another party (the licensee) to use, modify, and/or resell that property in exchange for a compensation (consideration). Licensing is a multi-step process, including steps from negotiation through monitoring the agreement after it is signed.
Invention Disclosures Patents Number of Licensing Agreements Licensing Revenue Research Productivity of Industry Scientists/Firms Research Productivity of University Scientists “Productivity” of Universities in Technology Transfer Start-Up Formation Survival Employment Growth Changes in Stock Prices Indicators of Output/Performance Commercialization of scientific results: TTO Metrics
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