Health and Homelessness
Numbers of homeless households accepted as in priority need
Multiple and Complex issues Low levels social support High levels of relationship breakdown Poor educational / employment records History of unsettled housing Domestic and neighbour violence Poor health
Homeless people Die young Poor physical health Lack social networks Insecure or no housing Mental health problems and mental illness
Mortality Average age at death – about 40 Violent assaults Suicide Drugs / Alcohol Accident
Health inequalities Significant mental illness - 30/50% Alcohol/drug use – a fifth have both Respiratory problems are 2/3 times higher Skin complaints are 3 times higher Musculo-skeletal are 2 times higher Gastrointestinal problems are 2 times higher
Health Inequalities Drug Misuse prevalence –single homeless - 80% –homeless families - 50%? Alcohol misuse prevalence –rough sleepers % 1 in 5 also have mental illnesses
Children Developmental delay Domestic violence Parents with mental health problems Disrupted education Loss of social networks
Access to health care Average rate GP registration –Rough sleepers 40% –Hostel and B&B 80% –General population 98% High use of A & E departments
Barriers Referral Appointments Lack of recognition of time required Lack of knowledge of housing issues Multiple problems but not severe Small numbers – specialist services not viable Fear of large numbers – usual health services worry about being swamped
Practical solutions Specialist staff/teams Discharge from hospital planning Agreed referral points Consent to information exchange Influencing commissioners
Joint Work DH appointment of homelessness advisor DCLG appointment of health advisor Advice to LAs about health services DH guidance on joint commissioning Development of hospital discharge guidelines Guidance on mental health services Healthy hostels
Contacts DH Homelessness advisor DCLG Health advisor