Definitions The National Legislature The House of Representatives The members of Congress The Senate $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $ 500$500
Representatives chosen from the State as a whole. A For $100
What are at-large districts? Back to Game
A district drawn to the advantage of the political party in control of a State legislature. A For $200
What is gerrymandered? Back to Game
A benefit to the members of Congress, allowing them to mail letters postage-free. A For $300
What is franking privilege? Back to Game
The job of checking to see if agencies in the executive branch are working efficiently and according to law. A For $400
What is oversight functions? Back to Game
Congress members who balance conflicting factors. A For $500
What are politicos? Back to Game
It is the reason why Congress is at the heart of the most basic governmental function of our democratic system. B For $100
What is Congress makes the nation’s laws? Back to Game
The reason why the Framers of the Constitution favored bicameralism. B For $200
What is the two houses act as a check and balance on each other? Back to Game
The reason why the President rarely has to call Congress into special session. B For $300
What is Congress now meets nearly year-round? Back to Game
It is the justification for a State with a small population having the same number of senators as a State with a large population. B For $400
What is equal representation allows the States to be represented as coequal members and partners in the Union? Back to Game
The reason why the Constitution guarantee that the courts may not prosecute members of Congress for what they say in the House or Senate in relation to congressional business. B For $500
What is freedom of speech is a vital part of legislative debate? Back to Game
435 seats. C For $100
How many seats are currently in the House of Represenatives? Back to Game
The President’s party decrease its number of seats in the House of Representatives. C For $200
What has been the most common outcome of off-year elections? Back to Game
The Tuesday after the first Monday of November in even- number years. C For $300
When must congressional elections be held? Back to Game
This principle was strengthened by the Supreme Court case “Wesberry v. Sanders”. C For $400
What is one person, one vote? Back to Game
C For $500 Be a citizen for at least seven years. Being at least 25 years old. Be an inhabitant of the State from which he or she is chosen.
What are the qualifications for House members? Back to Game
Before the adoption of the 17 th Amendment in 1913, senators were chosen by them. D For $100
What are State legislatures? Back to Game
The reason why senators usually become famous earlier in their careers than representatives. D For $200
What is the small size, long terms, and larger staff of the Senate? Back to Game
The reason why members of the Senate serve six years, whereas members of the House serve only two. D For $300
What is Senators should not be as concerned with the pressures of election campaigns, so that they can focus on the big picture of government? Back to Game
The reason why the Senate is called the upper house. D For $400
What is it has stricter qualifications than the House, more prestige, a longer term of office, and has been a stepping-stone to higher political office? Back to Game
This document fix the number of seats in the Senate. D For $500
What is the U.S. Constitution? Back to Game
To legislate To represent constituents To serve on committees E For $100
What are the duties of a member of Congress? Back to Game
Free Parking Low-cost medical care Generous pension plan E For $200
What are non-salary compensation for members of Congress? Back to Game
Higher salaries can make public service appealing to qualified people who might not otherwise afford to serve in Congress. E For $300
What is the usual reason given for high congressional salaries? Back to Game
This group of Americans rarely get elected to serve in Congress. E For $400
What are minorities? Back to Game
A member of Congress who decides issues on merit alone. E For $500
What is a trustee? Back to Game