Analyze the effects of Reconstruction on the Southern states and the impact of the Slavery Amendments on African Americans RECONSTRUCTION
Reconstruction – the period of time following the Civil War attempting to integrate the South back into the Union and securing civil and voting rights for freed slaves. After the War, the Southern economy is destroyed Unable to rely on slave labor Monetary system is destroyed Transportation systems destroyed Congress divided over treatment of South Some want an easy transition to move on Abraham Lincoln supports easy transition Assassination of Lincoln leaves US without strong leader Some want to treat harshly for rebelling WHAT IS RECONSTRUCTION?
Emancipation Proclamation Issued in 1863 during war Does NOT free slaves Lincoln has no legal authority in South at the time 13 th Amendment, 1865 Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude except in cases of criminal conviction. Southern states required to accept the 13 th amendment before rejoining the Union. SLAVERY AMENDMENTS
Government agency created to assist former slaves Provided Food Housing Education Health care Employment Finding family members Tuskegee Institute First of many all-black colleges to form in South “40 Acres and a Mule” Difficult to enforce in South right after War Bureau agents frequently bullied FREEDMAN’S BUREAU
“Black Codes” Southern states pass laws to control how former slaves will work in society – vagrancy laws. In most places, it is simply the same as the former slave codes Allowed to marry and own property Prohibited from voting, testifying in court against whites, serving in state militias, or publicly voicing complaints about conditions. Threat of violence used as fear tactic to keep former slaves “in their place.” SOUTHERN REACTION
Military Reconstruction Act Places southern states under military control US Army used to force South to obey new laws Splits South into 5 Districts with Army in charge Congress impeaches President Johnson 14 th Amendment Guarantee of citizenship and due process – rights cannot be taken without 15 th Amendment Guarantees right to vote not based on race Still MEN ONLY OCCUPATION OF SOUTH
Most freed slaves stayed in or returned to the South Need to find employment Familiar South resists Republican laws “carpetbaggers” – people from the North that came South to assist or sell products “scalawags” – Republicans in South Black Representatives First blacks in Congress from the South Blacks also elected to state legislatures Formation of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Formed by Confederate General, Nathan Bedford Forrest Originally started to resist against new Republican and Army policies in South Soon becomes a vigilante group SOUTHERN RESISTANCE