Preparing for our Day Focus Activity 1.View the topic heading on posters. 2.Think about your needs to guide our day. 3.Jot down your needs list. 4.Find the posters that fit your needs. 5.Write concerns or questions on the topic on the poster.
The Differentiated Instruction Journey Continues!! With Carolyn Chapman
Agenda for Our Day ◦ A Chance to Share ◦ Flexible Grouping Strategies ◦ Awesome Assessments that Work ◦ Break ◦ Management Tips ◦ Motivating the Unmotivated Lunch ◦ Choice Boards and Cube Ideas ◦ Questions and Concerns ◦ Break ◦ New Ideas ◦ DI Management Discussion (Summer Institute)
Hot Topic Brainstorming 1.Form a sharing group. 2.Select your topic 3.Brainstorm and compile personal ideas. 4.Look in book and notebook for ideas. 5.Prepare a poster. 6.Plan to present ideas in a clever way. 7.Groups present and celebrate!
Tomlinson’s Definition of Differentiated Instruction “Teaching with planned responsiveness to learn needs in order to ensure maximum growth in each learner in and hopefully beyond essential learning outcomes.” Tomlinson, 2009
United States Students Survey ( 3rd-12th grade) 79% Material is not relevant to me 85% Felt they had no or negative relationship with their teacher % of our students are under stress 87% after 4th grade did not like school
QI Quality Instruction 1.Teacher/Student Connection 2.Learner safe 3.Teacher constantly assessing 4.Assignments fit purpose and student 5.Students doing work 6.Grouping flexible and fluid 7.Teacher modifying 8.Teaching up with rigor 9.Routines that support flexibility
Flexible Grouping T.A.P.S. (Nice Blending) How do you group them? Cooperative Learning Jigsaw Peer Tutoring
New Grouping Terms FSynthesis Squad FDip Stick Group FThink Tank FTask Team FText Team FLearning Community FSynthesis Squad FDip Stick Group FThink Tank FTask Team FText Team FLearning Community
Synthesis Squad Responses visualperformance writingmetamophical Dip Stick (Group of four to six) Sit and ask questions to check on understanding.
AWESOME ASSESSMENTS What is the difference between Assessment and Evaluation? Use Informal and Formal Tools. You have collected data? NOW WHAT? How does “assessment drive curriculum planning”? Now your concerns.
Management Tips How do we meet the individual needs? Need a volunteer for each grade group To serve on a panel. Ask the panel your questions!
Motivating the Unmotivated How do you motivate learners that are unmotivated?
Join Us! SUMMER, 2009 Differentiated Instructional Management Work Smarter, Not Harder! Train the Trainer July 20-24, 2009 With Carolyn Chapman