School of Health and Life Sciences Glasgow Caledonian University
To Introduce Mentorship Preparation at GCU Nursing and Midwifery Council Perspective GCU (School of Health)Perspective Provision of information regarding Mentorship Course Structure Course Aims Resources to support learning Assessment Academic Accreditation Mentorship Portfolio
Integral and accountable role Development of competence Student Nurses Operating Department Practitioners Protecting the public Ensuring students are fit for practice Planning and supporting learning experiences Robust assessment processes.
Workplace learning Recognised & Valued Recognition that facilitating this involves Provision of support & guidance Communication Collaborative working (student participation) Supporting & Challenging Problem solving Decision making
Facilitate robust mentor preparation To enable mentor development Facilitation of Learning Professional Growth Mentor - manage learning in practice Mentor - assess learner performance Public Protection Mentor - recognise own accountability NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice (NMC 2008) National Approach to Mentor Preparation for Nurses and Midwives (NES 2013)
Commitment to Life long learning Demonstrating maintenance & development of own knowledge and practice Encouraging practitioners to be critical of own practice
Course Structure 5 study days Different venues University Workplace Addresses 3 learning units (NES 2013) Learning Professional relationships & accountability Assessment Each unit Identified learning outcomes Align with NMC (2008) competencies & outcomes
Blended Learning University Work Based Learning On-line Delivery (Blackboard) Pathways Accredited SCQF Level 9 Non-accredited (SCQF Level 8)
Fee – ‘Exempt’ Attend all 5 study days Mentor a student under supervision Supervising mentor Student Produce portfolio of evidence Proof of achievement of learning units Successful Completion Entry on local live mentor register
Submission of Portfolio All students Must demonstrate and provide Evidence of Achievement Learning Units/Outcomes Signature of Achievement Qualified Mentor Supervisor Student Mentor Portfolio verified as complete Qualified mentor Supervisor Reviewed GCU – Feedback (all students)
Fee£100 (this may change) Attend 5 study days Mentor a student under supervision Qualified supervisor mentor Student Submit portfolio Provide evidence of Proof of achievement of learning units Part of Summative Assessment Satisfactory Completion Verified by GCU
Additional requirement! Submit Essay 2 X 1000 words (SCQF Level 9) Successful Completion Entry on local mentor register Academic Award (2O Credits) Level 9 Option to register BSc Professional Development Programme Further study Arrange and fund independently of Mentorship Course
Support provided Three tiered approach Qualified Mentor Supervisor PEF’s Academic Staff Portfolio Non-Accreditation Reviewed Accreditation Assessed Contents Personal Details Introduction to Evidence Evidence demonstrating achievement Reflection
Self Assessment Initial Final Achievement of Learning Units Qualified mentor supervisor Discussion & collaborative working Mentoring a student under supervision Evidence! Assessment of sign-off mentor status Assessed by an existing sign-off mentor Supervised on three occasions assessing a final placement student
All Students Must Register Irrespective of Pathway Access GCU Learn Library Facilities Attend all study days Supervising Mentor Provide contact details & Telephone Mentor one student under supervision During course timeline
Mentor Responsibility NMC Requirement Various Approaches May include a combination of Meetings with PEF Mentorship Update Newsletter Online Activities Face-to-face GCU mentorship update day Relevant self-directed activity Must be recorded in portfolio Must be available for triennial review
Formalised review of mentorship activity In conjunction with PEF’s Following will be considered at review Evidence of annual updates Evidence of mentoring students Currency of Portfolio of Evidence