Cooperative Learning Defining Elements of Cooperative Learning: Positive Interdependence – sink or swim together Face-to-Face Promotive Interaction – helping/applauding one another Individual AND Group Accountability – each has to contribute if the group is to be successful Interpersonal and Small Group Skills – building communication, trust building, decision making and conflict resolution skills Group Processing – reflecting on what went well and not so well and how to make it better Cooperative Learning allows students to “learn the workplace skills which are a necessity in the twenty-first century as the students need to know how to work in groups.” Spencer Kagan
Cooperative Learning Research Results for Cooperative Learning Synthesis StudyFocusAve Effect SizePercentile Gain Walberg, 1999Coop. Learning (general).7828 Lipsey & Wilson, 1993Coop. Learning (general).6323 Scheerens & Basken, 1997Coop. Learning (general).5621 Hall, 1989Coop. Learning (general).3012 Johnson & Johnson, 1981Coop. Learning (general).7327 Cooperative vs intergroup competition.000 Cooperative vs individual competition.7828 Cooperative vs individual student tasks.7828
Stages of Second Language Acquisition StageCharacteristics The Student: Approximate Time Frame Teacher Prompts Preproduction Has minimal comprehension Does not verbalize Nods “yes” and “no” Draws and points 0 – 6 months Show me … Circle the …. Where is ….? Who has …? Early Production Has limited comprehension Produces one or two word responses Participates using key words and familiar phrases Uses present-tense words 6 months – 1 year Yes/no questions Either/or questions One or two word answers Lists Labels Speech Emergence Has good comprehension Can produce simple sentences Makes grammar and pronunciation errors Frequently misunderstands jokes 1 – 3 years Why …? How …? Explain …? Phrase or short sentence answers Intermediate Fluency Has excellent comprehension Makes few grammatical errors 3 – 5 years What would happen if …? Why do you think …? Advanced Fluency Has a near native level of speech5 – 7 yearsDecide if …? Retell …? All students acquiring a new language will pass through these five stages.
Cooperative Learning Homogeneous vs Heterogeneous Grouping Ability LevelAve Effect SizePercentile Gain Low Medium.5119 High.093 Size of Group Group SizeAve Effect SizePercentile Gain Pairs ELL Impact English-Dominant Students can Model Correct English and Help Negotiate Meaning for ELLs ELL Impact ELLs feel more comfortable speaking in their new language with a small group of their peers Small Groups Offer ELL Student Advantages 1.Repetition of Key Words and Phrases 2.Requires Functional, Context-Relevant Speech – because it is personal and “real-life” 3.Feedback Rich – feedback and correction occur in the context of actual conversation will less pressure (in small group rather than whole class) 4.Greatly Reduces Student Anxiety – small groups are more supportive and interdependent. ELLs are more comfortable speaking.
Cooperative Learning Suggested Activity Modification for ELLs Preproduction Stage – these students should NOT be expected to produce and essay, they can copy words down to use as labels for presentations. Provide help with word Selection Early Production Stage – these students can use nonliguistic representations in group presentations, along with single words and two-word phrases. Their essays should consist of sentence starters they can complete with one or two words. They benefit from modeling correct English Speech Emergence Stage – these students can use sentences in explaining their examples. Their essays will include sentences. Provide help putting together complex sentences Intermediate and Advanced Fluency Stage – these students can participate in all activities. Their essays will include some grammar and vocabulary errors. Provide help by using synonyms for words they already know