Large Scale Events GKT MSA Social Team
Who are we?
What do we do? Freshers’ Fortnight Pub quizzes/Bar nights Awards evenings Summer Ball
What are we talking about today?
Basic Principles Calm Organised Polite Efficient
From start to end… Plan Organize Run
Initial planning START EARLY (planning in April for September events) What? When? Where? £££££££ - Finances and Funding –Sponsorship –Department –Development Fund –Invoicing Set time frame Plan
Delegating Play to strengths – know your team Be realistic and fair Equal responsibility Google docs, whatsapp AND Facebook List by events, jobs and urgency Plan
Making contacts Book spaces –Insurance and risk assessment Book extras Make contacts with a view to using suppliers in the future…create a relationship CALL over !!! KCLSU book a room or book a King’s Room – –21d notice for external speaker, 14d otherwise Plan
2 nd Meeting Maybe 1 month later Reassess where you’re up to Go through systematically Finalise the broad picture Invite publicity & treasurer (or make decisions on this) Be conservative with new events Make backup plans for weather Plan
Get it in for advertising Decide on publicity – Event booking form Freshers’ event form Send follow up Think about when you’re going to start your own Facebook advertising…be tactical! Get events team ticket sales/lists access (admin) Organize
The nitty gritty Who will you have around to help on the day? Who can set up and clean up? Timing Cups and bin bags! Does everything work? Storage Organize
The meeting and ‘the book’ All of the planning in written form for your committee Make everyone read it and bring qs before hand Timing and all tiny details – Beach Party example Delegate and make people accountable! Organize
The week before Check everyone can still make it Check all suppliers and venues Have you got everything Fine tooth comb google docs Monitor ticket sales…do you need to upscale/downscale supplies? Weather! SPAM SPAM SPAM Organize
The night before Make a summarised version of ‘the book’ to post on your committee Facebook page and remind everyone when they’re needed SLEEP Organize
The EVENT! Print ticket lists and get float Get there early Talk to venue Talk to suppliers Get everyone together for briefing Set up as per ‘The Book’ ENJOY IT! Have fun but make sure someone is ultimately ‘in charge’ and keeps things moving along Run
SMILE When things go wrong… Don’t panic, if you stay calm no one will notice It only takes 2-3 of you to deal with a problem, everyone else should be making sure people are having a good time Floating ball Run
Afterwards Thank your team! Thank venues and suppliers and let them know you’ll be in touch If things went wrong…follow this up and try to resolve Lost property Run
Biggest Lessons Start early Be adaptable Delegate Keep records Have fun