Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation East Riding Safeguarding Adults Board Conference Neil Griffiths – Assistant Director of Joint Commissioning Hayley Crawley – Designated Safeguarding Adults Nurse
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation Responsibilities in the new Commissioning System Public Health ServicesCCG Commissioning NHS England Commissioning NHS England Public health for children including health visitors and child health information Immunisations National screening programmes Sexual assault referral services Local Authorities/Health and Wellbeing Board Substance misuse, alcohol, tobacco Health promotion and prevention including obesity, mental health, physical activity Sexual health Children’s public health NHS Health checks Promote integration Urgent and emergency care including out of hours Planned care Community health services and rehabilitation Maternity and newborn Mental health and learning disabilities Continuing healthcare Primary care services including, general practice, dental, ophthalmic and pharmacy Health care in custodial settings such as prisons Military health Specialist and highly specialist services e.g. neurology, specialist cardiac services
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation Summary Finance & Business Delivery Function Aim: Clear & Credible Plans Quality, Standards & Governance Aim: Clinical Focus & Added Value Planning, Partnership, Commissioning and Transformation Aim: Engagement, Collaboration, Capacity & Capability
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation Safeguarding Adults High National profile due to several factors, including:- Winterbourne, Francis II Care and Support Bill and Safeguarding Vulnerable People in the Reformed NHS Accountability and Assurance Framework.
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation Assurance Framework Promote strategic and operational partnership working to safeguard adults at risk Clarify roles and responsibilities for training Shared understanding how it will hold to account Professional leadership Outline principles to safeguard adults at risk
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation More than managing contracts = working with others to ensure services in place to respond and safeguard adults at risk Delivery of improved outcomes and life chances. Effective systems for responding to adult abuse/neglect Effective inter-agency working Assurance Framework –CCG Commissioned Services
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation 7 CCG Responsibilities Training – Assurance of quality/monitoring the impact Clear line of responsibility for safeguarding adults Appropriate arrangement to co-operate with SAB and HWBB Effective arrangements for information sharing
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation 8 CCG Responsibilities Work with CHC Team Raise awareness across the patch – safeguarding to be embedded in all that we do Improve quality and monitoring of acute contracts More preventative than reactive
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation NHS England Responsibilities Same role as CCGs for directly commissioned services System leadership Safeguarding Forums and GP training
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation Providers Inspected by CQC and licensed by MONITOR. Leadership and engagement in local accountability frameworks Named professionals
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation Key Issues and Challenges Complexity of the new commissioning landscape Changes in new roles and responsibilities New partnerships including co-commissioning relationship between NHS England and CCGs
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation Key Issues and Challenges Building collective intelligence Quality Surveillance Groups Health and Wellbeing Board New roles of regulators More complex provider landscape Confidentiality.
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.’ Martin Luther King
Better care, more locally, within budget, through transformation