Barbara’s Story Helen Vaughan Joint Commissioning Manager for Dementia, Gloucestershire CCG Sarah Warne Head of Safeguarding (Adults and Children), Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust
What is Barbara’s Story? Dementia awareness resource for all hospital staff Developed by Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHSFT – freely available resource pack on request from CD1 - 6 episodes in Barbara’s Story; memory loss to end of life CD2 – range of supporting resources Facilitators guidance notes Uses the principle that one small change can make a significant impact
Introducing Barbara’s Story in Gloucestershire Link to free resources disseminated across Gloucestershire Small group sessions test sessions Challenges: –Audience size –Time commitment –Facilitator skills
Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust GCS NHST is a community trust with both community hospitals, integrated multi professional community teams, sexual health, dentistry, specialist nursing services etc. Challenge is to get a learning experience that works across all services and links to the countywide agreed learning pathway.
Why Barbara? Wanted to get to the hearts and minds. Experience of one individual. Reflecting on the positives and negatives. Could that experience be mirrored in my area of work? Strap line – the smallest things make the greatest difference.
Mechanics Ran episode 1 as a pilot and evaluated. Split into 2 sessions – have to come to both to complete, get certificate etc. Also run episode 1 as a taster for small groups. Mixture of DVD, group discussion and small group work. Include capacity and consent and delirium.
Evaluation to Date It’s powerful – groups are getting larger as word spreads. “ very positive way of showing how patients should be treated” “ well balanced, thought provoking” “ makes me think about how I come across to the individual I am working with”
Changes in Practice All who attend are challenged to go away and change just one thing……… Set up of podiatry clinic room. Changes to the telecare initial assessment. Meeting and greeting in OPD
Next steps Will run throughout the year. Dementia Friends accreditation. Follow up those who have attended – has their one action made a difference? Data – reduction in incidents, accidents such as falls?