Police and communities together MASH Detective Superintendent Ian Critchley Head of Public Protection Detective Sergeant Alex Gornall Lancashire Constabulary.


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Presentation transcript:

police and communities together MASH Detective Superintendent Ian Critchley Head of Public Protection Detective Sergeant Alex Gornall Lancashire Constabulary

police and communities together Internal Review 6 Divisional PPU. Managing referrals relating to Domestic Abuse, Vulnerable Children, Children Subject to Sexual Exploitation, Vulnerable Adults and Missing Person. Each division managed the referral process for each of these work streams separately. Significant duplication of process. Duplication of effort. Resource not matching task.

police and communities together Internal Review Demand year DA Incidents – increase of 2% Of which approx 50% have a child present 8000 Vulnerable Child Referrals – increase of 58% 5000 Vulnerable Adult Referrals – increase of 325% Missing Persons – increase of 405 Growing Demand of referrals within the “Safeguarding” pathway. Increasing demand based on the business model of managing referrals in separate units within separate BCU’s is unsustainable.

police and communities together Failure to pass information and concerns regarding the quality of information. (SCR) Evidence of individual risk assessments but there is a need for inter professional working to provide holistic assessments. (SCR) Examples of missed opportunities to communicate as fully as possible leaving key agencies at times with only part of the picture. (SCR) Unresolved issue of DA Protocol. Dispute regarding “Inappropriate Referrals”. Why the MASH Pilot?

police and communities together A referral enters the MASH via a single pathway. Police, Health, Social Care and Education Information gathered to form Multi Agency Chronology. Multi Agency Information used to assess child against continuum of need. Directed into appropriate service pathway according to need/risk – formal referral, step down or NFA What the MASH does:

police and communities together MASH Performance Domestic Abuse Pre MASH 88% of Domestic Abuse incidents with children present were referred to the Children’s Social Care, 109 of the 1014 referrals went to Initial Assessment (IA) representing a conversion rate of 11% Post MASH 51% of Domestic Abuse incidents with children present were referred to Children’s Social Care, 284 of the 844 referrals went to Initial Assessment (IA) representing a conversion rate of 34%.

police and communities together MASH Performance Vulnerable Child Pre MASH 69% of Vulnerable Child incidents were referred to the Children’s Social Care, 158 of the 374 referrals went to Initial Assessment (IA) representing a conversion rate of 42% Post MASH 18% of Vulnerable Child incidents were referred to the Children's Social Care, 111 of the 177 referrals went to Initial Assessment representing a conversion rate of 63%

police and communities together Prior to the MASH if a child was referred to Children’s Social Care and did not meet the threshold, no further action was taken. In MASH where a child is not referred they are considered against the continuum of need and services applied accordingly. For children aged 0-6 the Children’s Centre Manager within the MASH coordinates the response when the child is not “referred” for 6-18 the MAPS coordinate the response. 80 children (0-6) between 1/12/11-22/12/ directed towards universal service provision. 9 new families referred to Children Centre for outreach support. Children Centre engaged with 3 families 3 agencies were contacted to initiate CAF, in 8 Cases CAF was in place and in 6 of these cases the new referral lead to an escalation in intervention. MASH Performance

police and communities together Benefits – Linking the internal model to MASH By centralising and specialising the referral function within the Constabulary we create – single process, match resource to task and achieve economies of scale. Also achieve increased resilience and “opening times” The MASH -reduces demand on the most expensive resource. -redirects to the appropriate level of service. -creates opportunity to “break the cycle” and intergenerational saving. - replicate for vulnerable adults -opportunity to revise other protocols which impact on frontline resource – MARAC, MFH protocol, IOMU. -opportunity to consider accuracy of commissioning.

police and communities together Realising Benefits Working together with families needs a sustainable referral process – the key to generating savings is indentifying the right families and coordinating the right service – yields savings between £40k and £230k per annum per family. Stopping the revolving door – Warrington – effective step down model for VA – 71% reduction in calls for police service from cohort, 30% reduction in ASB, 44% reduction in cost to A and E, referrals to Adult Social care down 54%.

police and communities together Vital Next Steps Alexander Consulting –The System Roll Out Plan- LSCB/Trust Multi Agency Conferences Move From Pilot To Implementation

police and communities together Why ? More Efficient Use Of Partner Resource Develop Most Appropriate Intervention To Reduce Risk and Vulnerability Prevent Cycle of Abuse