TRAINING WORKSHOP ON SUCCESSFUL MODELS OF FARMER BASED ORGANIZATIONS Izmir – Menemen, Republic of Turkey Country Presentation : Morocco Jannary 2016
First Step : Implantation of cooperatives by the authorities of the frensh Protectorate for political reasons in Second Step : Public intervention in the management of cooperatives During the period Legal framework, Creation of the ODCO in 1962, grants and supervision Third Step : Since 1983, Disengagement of the State from cooperatives running from and removal of certain preferential benefits granted to cooperatives. Law 24/83 Law 24/83 : Orientation towards the autonomy of cooperatives and enhancing capacities of cooperative human resources, creation of cooperatives unions From the year 2000 : Return of Cooperatives as main producer organization model in response to national priorities and human development initiatives. Role in the creation of employment, integration of women into working life, the organization of the informal sector... COOPERATIVES IN MOROCCO History Cooperatives in Morocco
Simplification of incorporation procedures cooperative and deleting the prior agreement to exercise. Membership possibility of legal persons in order to boost this sector. Enhancing transparency and governance support. Strengthening the rights of members. COOPERATIVES IN MOROCCO Review of the legal framework for Cooperatives: Law
Cooperant Feminine Agricultural Cooperatives Cooperatives in Morocco Statistical Profile of Cooperatives in Morocco COOPERATIVES IN MOROCCO
The Kingdom of Morocco has launched, since 2008 an innovative agricultural strategy in the long term for a competitive agriculture, socially integrated and sustainable. This policy aims to accelerate growth, reduce poverty and ensure the long term sustainability of agriculture in order to consolidate its integration into national and international markets. The Green Morocco Plan (PMV) is supported by two pillars : Pillar I: focused on accelerated development of high value-added agriculture. The goal is to consolidate and develop efficient agriculture, suited to the market rules, with a new wave of private investment, organized around new models aggregation; Pillar II : focuses on small farming in disadvantaged areas. its goal is to develop an approach to diminish poverty by significantly increasing agricultural incomes of the most vulnerable farmers. For these two pillars, food security considerations, climate change and the preservation of natural resources, promotion of agricultural investment, rational management of water and land as well as scientific research applied to the field Agricultural occupy a prominent place, in addition to cross-factors such as water, land MOROCCAN AGRICULTURAL POLICY: GREEN MOROCCO PLAN
GDP: Billion DhOccupation: +1 to 1.5 million jobs Poverty reduction in the root: 2-3 x income for 3 million rural More efficient management of water resources (from 20 to 50% savings) Preserving natural resources / environment Agriculture as the major engine of economic and social development Recasting of the sectoral framework and improvement of cross-cutting factors Pillar II Upgrade solidarity: Social Investment and fight against the agricultural poverty Pillar I Development of a modern agriculture: Industrial Investment to high productivity/ added value Land TenureWaterALE National Market Doing business Interprofessi ons Reforms Investment: MDS Dh Public / Private on 10 years MOROCCAN AGRICULTURAL POLICY: GREEN MOROCCO PLAN
The "Production Chain" approach: Strategic choice made by the Green Morocco Plan to upgrade and modernize the main agricultural sectors Contracts between the State and the inter: between the two parties signing contracts-programs setting development goals of the main agricultural sectors. Primary role of the interprofessional organization. Need for credible and representative interlocutors. Interprofessional dynamics through the involvement and consultation between the State and the private operators. Primary role of the interprofessional organization. Need for credible and representative interlocutors. Interprofessional dynamics through the involvement and consultation between the State and the private operators. Development of a dynamic agriculture meet optimally the interests of the various players in the value chain (upstream / downstream) The program contracts: indispensable tool for the upgrade and modernization of the main agricultural sectors. Objectif Approch IMPORTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MOROCCO GREEN PLAN
Legal framework of the interbranch organization: Milestone in the execution of program contracts for the Green Morocco Plan implementation Legal framework of the interbranch organization: Milestone in the execution of program contracts for the Green Morocco Plan implementation Having a global, concerted and unified to meet effectively the problems of upgrading courses Establish a legal and institutional framework for recognizing the inter, as such, and promote good governance and decision making between players Having a single interlocutor and representative of powers public; Allow inter dispose of financial resources; clean and permanent to fund their programs and operation. INTERPROFESSION OOGANIZATION LAW
Local level Cooperatives and Producers AssociationsProvincial level Provincial Producers AssociationsRegional Level Regional Producers Associations National Level Federation of Producers Interprofession Federation of producers and Federation of Agro- Industries
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