Language and communication skills make business sense: Lessons learned in marketing I CAN Secondary Talk to schools Clive Robson (I CAN Senior Education Adviser) Maxine Burns (I CAN Secondary phase lead)
Today we will Explore the current context and the emerging commissioning environment Explore how to key in to the school agenda and how to develop a business case Reflect on your own opportunities and.. Enjoy some role play! 2
Context- busy times Ofsted Primary curriculum EYFS Vulnerable children Closing the gap Professional standards for teachers Employability 4
Data, data everywhere Raiseonline P levels Quantitative evidence to show we make a difference 5
Armed with that knowledge... 6
Context – know the market Prevalence - Long term persistent SLCN (conservative estimate for older children around 10%) vs poor language skills associated with social deprivation (up to 75%) Recognising and meeting the changing need 7
Context – know what works An expanding evidence base: small scale studies BCRP and Communication Champion 8
Context – know what works An expanding evidence base: Ofsted reports Sutton Trust 9
Context – where are the gaps? 10 Universal Communication supportive environment Staff understand language difficulties Speech, language and communication as whole school issues Targeted Curriculum modification Adult style Effective in-class support Specialist Focused assessment and intervention
Task 1 In a small group, reflect on the context: How is your context different? What is your idea/product/service that you want to promote? 11
Task 2 Choose a group envoy- take your thoughts and conclusions to the next table and discuss 12
Secondary Talk – what is it? A framework for developing communication supportive practice in secondary schools. Basic level awareness raising training; a menu of advisor support; practical resources with simple outcome measures A set of standards to work towards at Universal, Enhanced and Specialist levels. 13
How we built it-1 Carried out market research Thought about the gaps Looked for opportunities in school’s agenda Designed and wrote it with schools’ language and priorities in mind Steering group of stakeholders Made it manageable for teachers but built in evidence with small ‘e’ to start 14
How we built it-2 Pilot schools signed up – ‘buy in’ to the issue Externally evaluated Engaged with pilot partners to see what worked and what didn’t during pilot 15
How we built it-3 Used the evidence to convince schools and ongoing funders Using the evidence, asked for school ‘buy in’ Ensured schools knew how to use communication advisors to best effect 16
Task 3 In the light of the case study about ST, go back to your earlier discussion and amend 17
Conversations with school leaders Getting the language right: this parrot is clearly not deceased 18
19 We can discuss his care pathway at the next MDT meeting – his SLT will be there. His We’ll discuss that when we review the SDP at our next SLT meeting
20 Do your homework – be prepared First visit Meeting with school leader You’re in! Quick wins What works....? Measure impact Does it work?
Anticipate the questions 6 common questions from head teachers How will a focus on communication help us keep or improve our current good Ofsted judgment? increase our focus on teaching and learning? show demonstrable impact on standards? 21
School questions 2 with our issue of low achieving boys in year 5 and some poor attitudes to learning. now we have to pay for the new provision of any students we permanently exclude? we’re a good school but we have plateaued.. 22
Probe for more detail 1.What does the data tell us? 2.Tell me more about the issue 3.What are your key SDP priorities? What were key issues from your last Ofsted report? 4.What has made a difference? What have you tried? 5.What does that look like in lessons? 6.How are you evaluating the impact? 23
Task 4 role play In groups of 3, Take your product/idea /service to the head. Role play the conversation Feedback from the third person Rotate if time 24
Thank you
More practical ideas – for free From ‘Hello’ National Year of Communication rces/resources.aspx rces/resources.aspx And at And watch out for No Pens Day Wednesday 10 th October