Session Two Getting ready for Ofsted! How does Citizenship get you there ? ACT National Conference 2015
SMSC including character education Prevent and Safeguarding Values and Cohesion Context
SMSC including character education
Prevent and Safeguarding
Values and Cohesion From autumn 2014 schools must “actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, Individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.
Trojan Horse/hoax? Ofsted reports exposing an alleged attempt to make the ethos of some state schools in Birmingham more Islamic. As a result the notion of British values and what ’Britishness’ means has been under considerable scrutiny, including how it should be taught in schools
Effectiveness of leadership and management: Actively promote British values Make sure that safeguarding arrangements to protect children, young people and learners meet all statutory and other government requirements, promote their welfare and prevent radicalisation and extremism Personal development, behaviour and welfare Understand of how to keep themselves safe from relevant risks such as abuse, sexual exploitation and extremism, including when using the internet and social media Personal development, so that they are well prepared to respect others and contribute to wider society and life in Britain Ofsted framework 2015
Establishing safe learning environments Skills and knowledge Schools requirements regarding these areas Role of citizenship as a subject to explore these areas Some questions to ponder …….