Supporting the Primary PE and Sport Premium in London
National Landscape £150 million a year ring fenced until 2020 to support delivery of PE, physical activity and sport in primary schools Now agreement that the focus should be on Raising whole school standards Improving teacher confidence and competence Funding allocated to schools through a formula Ofsted priority when assessing overall provision Ofsted survey on impact on funding after a year Schools to publish details of their provision on their websites Schools accountable for spend
National Landscape 1.To improve the quality of existing PE teaching through continuing professional development in PE for generalists, so that all primary pupils improve their health, skills and physical literacy, and have broader exposure to a range of sports 2.To increase participation levels in competitive sport and healthy activity of pupils, and maintain these into adolescence 3.Schools understand and value the benefits of high quality PE and sport, including its use as tool for whole school improvement 4.To increase the quality of initial teacher training in PE and sport, and to promote PE specialisation in the primary workforce.
Ofsted Guidance Guidance provided for inspectors in the latest school inspection handbook (July 2014) Inspected in the - Quality of leadership in and management of the school section How effectively the school uses the primary school PE and Sport Premium to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of. The effectiveness must be recorded and coded on an evidence form, and summarised in the inspection report.
Ofsted Accountability Will expect school leaders and Governors to give an evaluation of quality of PE, pupils’ participation in school sport and how new primary school funding has been used to make improvements Have an increased expectation of PE lesson observations Will ask young people views on PE, sport and what school does to keep them healthy and active
Ofsted PE & Sport Premium Priorities Build PE and sport into whole school plan to underpin school standards Develop effective development plans to improve provision and outcomes in and through PE, physical activity and school sport Develop capacity and quality of practitioners and deliverers, including having an effective PE coordinator Develop young people involvement and voice Develop strong partnerships with other schools, agencies and organisations that bring added quality, expertise, value and / or provision
OutstandingGoodRequire Improvement Action plans identified use of funding & impact Funding is suitably allocatedSchool has reviewed its sports provision Curriculum is imaginative and engaging – learning is fun Curriculum engages and interests pupils Pupils attitudes vary according to teaching quality Enriching activities to develop cultural awareness and talent Additional activities help improve pupils physical skills Wide range of activities linked to lessons Funding used to raise skills of staff to deliver High Quality PE and sport Funding allows more activities and hiring of qualified sports teachers School has a plan for increasing staff expertise and enhancing pupil experiences Governing body reviews finance and its impact Strong partnerships with local schools & community Specific goals to be reviewed by Governing body/SLT School council, sports leaders, playground leaders Pupils participation in a wide range of sports is high Specialists provide a range of sports e.g. rugby, karate SLT invested in specialist coaching with teachers working alongside Funding used to buy skilled sports coaching, training materials and equipment Funding used for a specialist teaching by an external provider Spread good practice throughout staff to build future capacity Governors allocated funding to increase staff expertise to have ‘more sports teachers’ School has set out a good plan for increasing staff expertise
What is ‘appropriate use of their funding’? Professional learning for teachers Running new sports competitions for different children New or additional Change 4 Life or other health related sports activity clubs Hiring PE specialist staff to work alongside primary teachers Hiring qualified sports coaches to deliver activities Using sport to impact on whole school improvement
London Landsacpe London Sport has been funded by the government to perform 3 main support functions: Intelligence – monitor and maintain Local opportunities and guidance – promote and update Direct support to schools – working through local funded partners
London Sport approach Simplify the landscape for schools Facilitate collaborative working for key partners Act on insight to provide structured support Invest in the local Infrastructure
Intelligence Area of work/investmentLondon (%) Activated School Games Account73 Host a Change 4 Life Club30 School Games Quality Mark10 Part of a School Sport Partnership64 Attended a CPD event47 Unlikely to need support43 Might need support48 More likely to need support9
Intelligence Area of work/investmentLondon (%)Nationally (%) Offer published on website5861 Allocation of funding published5056 Hiring additional coaches5048 Extending competitions6057 Additional health interventions4052 Specialist PE teachers3630 Professional learning6935 Inclusion83 Extra-curricular provision4446 Facilities89 Equipment4840 Transport59 Swimming1017