Parents’ Forum - Tuesday 7 th June 2016 Ofsted
Update from the last forum Parents views on the school planner… …A big review is in place, but the changes for next academic year include: KS3 to resemble KS4 Lots of additional pages taken out Information for Y7 parents available in a different format A space to record their 5s and 1s each week More notes pages in one consolidated location
Where We Were Section 5 A full Ofsted Inspection 11 th -12 th February 2014
Where We Were Section 8 A Monitoring Inspection on a specific area 11 th July 2014
…and where we are now Section 5 A full Ofsted Inspection 26 th – 27 th April 2016 HMI – 16 th May 2016
The Process Phone call the day before Observed 61 lessons (including joint observations with senior leaders) Observed tutor periods Meetings with senior and middle leaders, governors, pupils and the local authority Pupils views sought informally Work in books was scrutinised Schools planning and evaluation documentation was analysed Parent View (Ofsted website) and schools own parent survey results School’s assessment data, safeguarding policies, school policies and procedures
The Detail Effectiveness of Leadership and Management is GOOD …recruit skilled staff who are committed to making a positive difference for pupils… Leaders and governors know the school well and accurately identify its priorities for further improvement. Leaders have successfully strengthened teaching Middle leadership is effective in securing improvement Leaders…improve opportunities and outcomes for disadvantaged pupils Provision for pupils who have special educational needs or disability has improved Leaders have created a broad and balanced curriculum Pupils who access the ‘Gateway School’…receive valuable support, guidance and care Pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is good Leaders have taken suitable steps to recruit, retain and train suitable staff in shortage subjects The governing body is effective The arrangements for safeguarding are effective
The Detail Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment is GOOD The quality of teaching has improved since the last inspection and…is consistently good and often outstanding …teachers have high expectations and make good use of assessment information to set ambitious targets and plan work that is both challenging and interesting Additional in-lesson support and extra curricular tuition is helping the most-able pupils to fulfil their potential and achieve excellence… Most teachers follow the school’s policy on providing feedback on pupil’s work Learning and progress for disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs or disability is improving Literacy development is good
The Detail Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare is GOOD The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good Pupils are enthusiastic about the opportunities that are available to them Pupils care for each other and their community…respect each other’s different beliefs Most parents, pupils and staff are very positive about the welfare support provided by the school The work of the year teams, support staff and inclusion groups is personalised Pupils are well looked after and know how to keep themselves safe The behaviour of pupils is good Most pupils conduct themselves impeccably and walk around the large school estate sensibly and considerately Pupils respect and look after their school Most lessons are calm and purposeful Pupils value their education and most take responsibility for their conduct
The Detail Outcomes for pupils are GOOD Achievement has improved sharply since the last inspection …pupils (are) making better progress and (are) achieving higher standards, overall, than nationally …results are likely to improve further over the next few years The learning and progress of disadvantaged and those who have special educations needed…are now making significantly better progress… The most-able pupils achieve well The provision for those who are educated partly through the ‘Gateway’ at the school or through off-site education is very good
The Detail study programmes are GOOD The sixth form is good …teaching is proficient and the curriculum offers a range of opportunities to learners to prepare them for the next stages in their lives Staff use their thorough understanding of subjects and of the examination syllabus to plan effective lessons Personal development and welfare in the sixth form is good Learners are happy, courteous and responsible Achievement in the sixth form is good and improving
What is their still to do? In every Ofsted report there are areas to improve further, the Areas for Improvement (AFIs) are:
What are we doing about it? Improvements in Science and MFL have not been as rapid as in other subjects. We are fully staffed in Science from September We have changed the leadership structure of the science department We have appointed new leaders within the department We have secured two new members of staff We have changed the leadership structure of MFL We are fully staffed in MFL from September We are considering banding in Year 8 German
What are we doing about it? Targeted support for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs or disability has not yet closed gaps in performance Detailed data given to all staff to help plan differentiated lessons Monitoring of lessons, work and pupil voice to ensure needs of these groups are met Tracking of students by subject, cohort and group at a range of middle and senior leader levels Outside specialists bought in to deliver study skills workshops Literacy interventions PiXL (tracking by staff, students, the PiXL way) Student interviews Resources made available for those who need them
What are we doing about it? Some parents and carers feel that the school does not communicate well enough or respond to their concerns about achievement in science. 24 hour response (school policy) Leadership role to encompass parental engagement from September Need to look at this in more detail
What about parents? 8% of parents responded to the Ofsted parent view…why so few? How do we ensure that parents views are current and not based on information from the past? (what are we doing which works and what else could/should we be doing?) How do we keep parents abreast of all the good things we are doing in school? How do we gauge parental feelings/concerns about the school?