Eric Prebys Accelerator Physics Center Program Director, LARP Important material Contributed by Elliott McCrory (FNAL), Ryoichi Miyamoto (BNL), Alan Fisher.


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Presentation transcript:

Eric Prebys Accelerator Physics Center Program Director, LARP Important material Contributed by Elliott McCrory (FNAL), Ryoichi Miyamoto (BNL), Alan Fisher (SLAC), and stolen from LHC morning meetings March 29, 2010

 Proposed in 2003 to coordinate efforts at US labs related to the LHC accelerator (as opposed to CMS or ATLAS)  Originally FNAL, BNL, and LBNL  SLAC joined shortly thereafter  Some work (AC Dipole) supported at UT Austin  Currently $12-13M/yr + coordination of core resources  LARP Goals  Advance International Cooperation in High Energy Accelerators  Advance High Energy Physics By helping the LHC integrate luminosity as quickly as possible  Advance U.S. Accelerator Science and Technology  LARP includes projects related to initial operation, but a significant part of the program concerns the LHC upgrades March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

 Schottky detector  Used for non-perturbative tune measurements (+chromaticities, momentum spread and transverse emmitances)  Tune tracking  Implement a PLL with pick-ups and quads to lock LHC tune  Investigating generalization to chromaticity tracking  AC dipole  US AC dipole to drive beam  Measure both linear and non-linear beam optics  Luminosity monitor  High radiation ionization detector integrated with the LHC neutral beam absorber (TAN) at IP 1 and 5.  Improved synchrotron light monitor  Alan Fisher improved the light collection optics in the SLM  Low level RF tools  Leverage SLAC expertise for characterization and optimization of RF cavities March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

 It was decided early that LARP itself would not support software projects  The idea was the LARP would do R&D, and the promising technology (along with the required software) would be handed off to someone else.  For this reason, the LHC Accelerator Fermilab Software (LAFS) group was created, and has made many contributions to the LHC.  This talk is about LARP, but LAFS provided the readout for the Schottky and the Sync. Light Monitor. March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

 Proposed by LARP, based on experience with Tevatron  Installed in collaboration with CERN  Application written by LAFS (J. Cai) Allows tune to be monitored on selected buckets Data from 3.5 TeV (??) LHC Beam March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

Installation at IP5 Collimator 3.5 TeV PMT signal LUMI signal Noise (scale x 100) Noise March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

 By driving the beam near the (aliased) tune, one can probe linear and non-linear optics  4 AC dipoles installed at CERN based on tests in the Tevatron (R. Miyamoto)  OK’d for operation  Primary tool for 3.5 TeV  measurement.  AC dipole data requently seen in LHC ops meeting. Audio amplifiers  measurement at 3.5 TeV March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

 Developed for the Tevatron in collaboration with UT Austin, under the auspices of the Joint PhD program  Ryoichi Miyamoto, supervised by Sacha Kopp (UT) and Mike Syphers (FNAL)  Won 2009 APS award for “Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Beam Physics”  Established as a viable technology for the LHC through the LARP program  Hardware installed by CERN (that’s really the way LARP is supposed to work).  Ryoichi is helping with commissioning and analysis as a LARP Toohig Fellow working for Brookhaven. March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

Emittance monitor Passive profile measurement  Used to measure beam profile and monitor abort gap  Alan Fisher (LARP LTV from SLAC) proposed and implemented dramatically improved optics to accommodate shifting source location March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

 Suggested by LARP, based on Tevatron experience.  Incorporated into LHC design  Some initial problems with trips of the trim quads caused by tune feedback as 3.5 TeV  Fixed by lowering bandwidth of system  Part of standard operation now. March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

 Leverage RF tools and techniques developed at PEP-II  Effort led by John Fox  Configuration tools used extensively during LHC RF commissioning March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation

 Synchrotron Light Monitor  Primary tool to measure emittance and monitor abort gap.  AC Dipole  Primary tool for measuring beam optics, particularly at multi-TeV.  Lumi monitor  Installed, functioning and ready to measure luminosity at 3.5 TeV Primary luminosity measurement for IP5 (CMS) IP1 (ATLAS) has reduced absorber and will initially rely on scintillator system (which will soon die).  Schottky Monitor  Installed and working.  Ready for analysis  Tune Feedback  After tweaking some feedback parameters, now used in standard operation for 3.5 TeV beam.  LLRF Tools  Used extensively to characterize and optimize RF cavities in system March 29, AEM Talk - LARP Instrumentation