Course Title: Closing Gaps for Vulnerable Groups in Northumberland Schools Facilitator/trainer and course contact Gill Finch (Diversity Officer) Who is it suitable for? Teachers and Headteachers What will it cover? This practical session will look at the latest evidence and guidance on closing gaps for vulnerable children. There will be a showcase of new resources, approaches and interventions unique to Northumberland’s Vulnerable Groups service
What will you learn? Responses to the questions: What are the recommended evidence-based interventions for vulnerable groups? How does a school account for an effective spend of the pupil premium? Which tailor-made interventions from Northumberland practitioners can support this agenda? Benefits to your school Participants will return to school with a summary of the available guidance from Ofsted and the DfE about how the pupil premium might best be spent to impact on the progress of vulnerable children. Offers of support from the new Vulnerable Groups SLA will be showcased and illustrated as potential vehicles for improving engagement, motivation and self-esteem in pupils. Guidance on preparation or follow-up work Please bring along your school’s account of how the PPG (Pupil Premium Grant) was spent, and any examples of initiatives that have worked well in closing gaps DateVenueStartFinishCost 10 th June 2013 Redesdale Training Room, County Hall 1:00pm4:00pm£30 To book a place: Please or fax completed booking form attached What resources will you receive? A CD of resources and web links including a range of guidance materials issued to schools to help them decide how to effectively spend the PPG and close gaps in attainment for disadvantaged groups of children across all key stages. Links and resources to support schools in publishing and accounting for the interventions they choose Exemplar good practice in accounting for the PPG will be shared
CPD Programme – Booking Form Course TitleClosing Gaps for Vulnerable Groups in Northumberland Schools Establishment Name Date10 th June 2013 Establishment No: Subjective Budget Code: 0850 Delegate Name(s) Contact Approved By: Headteacher/Line Manager Please Print Name Please return to Fax