CHARM2012 experimental summary Stephen Lars Olsen Seoul National University Barrel End-cap
BaBar (Belle) Design report ~1995 Look for DD-mixing it will be a clear sign of New Physics
~2007 ???? SM? BaBar & Belle
LHCb Design report ~2005 But CPV in D-meson decay will be a “smoking gun” for New Physics
~2012 ?????, SM? LHCb & CDF
Smoking gun
Some of the topics covered at Charm2012 Weak decays of charm (u-type) quarks – CPV in charm – DD mixing – rare decays – form-factors – f D & f Ds – …, Open- & hidden-charm spectroscopy – charmonium – XYZ states – open charm baryons (& mesons) – …, Charm as a tool – test NRQCD – probe QGP – measure G/G contribution to proton’s spin – light hadron spectroscopy – inputs for CPV measurements with B mesons – …,
CPV: a CP (D K + K - )-a CP (D + - ) LHCb Carbone: Used 0.6 fb -1 Expect >3x the data by the end of 2012 run HFAG average: Δa CP dir = (−0.645 ± )% CDF Punzi:
SM or New Physics? See theory summary talk
DD mixing Belle Staric BaBar Neri: _
New HFAG Averages for y CP & A
Rare Decays Dettori SM Most existing limits are background limited, e.g. LHCb limit
Now: BaBar: D 0 search (3770) D 0 D 0 Simulation Real Data D 0 at BaBar limit level Background K etc tags Muramatsu EE Rare decays future Future: double tags At BESIII & SuperB:
Form-factors Cabibbo suppressed BESIII Liu: High quality measurements, even for Cabibbo-suppressed modes
f D s recent history Zupanc
f D s future Zupanc Current techniques (at least for D ) are statisticls limited & can be applied at future higher luminosity facilities.
Below threshold charmonium Problems with mass measurements Properties not well known
New BESIII c mass measurement Mass C.L.= Interference with non-reson. bkg + 5 other modes PDG 2010 Better agreement with Lattice QCD calculation
22 Bhardwaj Belle New Charmonium State: 2
Charged Z + in c1 system? BaBar (Gradl)Belle PRD 78, (2008) incoherent destructive interf constr. interf
Charged Z b + states in ϒ & h b PHSP M( Υ (2S)π) max M(h b (1P) + ) B B* b b _ B-B* “molecule” _ B* b b _ B*-B* “molecule” _ 2m B* m B +m B*
Lots of progress on charmed-baryons c * - c mass splitting Cheon Good agreement, no surprises 17 established states (much better shape than ordinary baryons)
Charm as a tool
NRQCD vs cross sections 25 LHCb CMS NLO NRQCD NNLO color-singlet e.g. York: prompt ’ production
NRQCD vs Polarization e.g. CDF Casey:
Charm as a probe of QGP ALICE expt Masera
Nuclear Modification Factors: open charm ALICE expt Masera
Nuclear Modification Factors: hidden bottom CMS expt Hong ϒ (1,2,3S) production Analyses based on 7.28 b data sample; 150 b data will be ready soon
G/G from charm leptoproduction COMPASS expt Franco Too small to explain spin “deficit”(?) COMPASS expt Franco
Light hadron spectroscopy ?? BESIII Shen
Input for CPV studies with B mesons CLEOc &BESIII Briere
Near future BESIII LHCb (Gersabeck)
Further future BelleII (Schwartz)) Panda (Pelizaeus) SuperB (Purohit))
DD mixing ✔ CP violation ✔ XYZ mesons ✔ …, Experiments are doing fine
Theory, not so hot SM DD mixing = ??? ✗ SM CPV = ??? ✗ Pol. in J/ / ’ prod ✗ …,
The boat is leaving SS Experiment Joe Theorist
But where are we headed? ?
SM desert??
or ?
or Manchester??
Thank You 감사합니다