American Government and Organization PS1301 Monday, 27 October.


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Presentation transcript:

American Government and Organization PS1301 Monday, 27 October

Opinions about Federal Spending Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002

Opinions about Federal Spending Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002

Opinions about Federal Spending Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002

Views of Ideological Groups Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002

Views of Groups by Ideology Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002

Views of Institutions by Ideology Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002

Views of Interest Groups Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002

Interpersonal Trust Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002

Ideology and Issues

Party Identification “Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, and Independent, or what?” Persons who call themselves Republicans or Democrats are then asked: “Would you call yourself a strong (Republican, Democrat) or a not very strong (Republican, Democrat). Persons who call themselves Independents, answer “no preference,” or name another party are asked : “Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican or to the Democratic party?”

Distribution of Partisans

Ideology and Partisanship

Functions of Party Identification Helps you organize and categorize information Perceptual Screen Helps you make value judgments. Is George Bush competent? Could Bill Clinton be trusted? Helps you make value judgments. Is George Bush competent? Could Bill Clinton be trusted? Influence Political Behavior Persons who are party identifiers are more interested in politics, more concerned about who wins the election, and more likely to vote. Persons who are party identifiers are more interested in politics, more concerned about who wins the election, and more likely to vote. party id is the most important determinant of the way people vote party id is the most important determinant of the way people vote

Origins of Party Identification Family/friendsSchoolMedia Life experience

Partisanship over time

How Party Id Changes Generational Replacement Life Cycle Effects Running Tally