WHY??? Why is the conflict in Vietnam causing such polarizing views? Share with a partner and “jot” down at least 3 reasons GO!
VIETNAM SONGS Creedance Clearwater Revival- Run Through the Jungle Eddie Vedder- No More Answer the following questions with your partner How do the songs make you feel? What are the artists trying to portray with their music/lyrics? Compare and Contrast the two songs
TEACH-INS University of Michigan Discussed the war with students and faculty Sparked more across the country Over 100,000 participants
ANGER OVER THE DRAFT Unfair draft system College students could defer Why unfair? Disproportionate number of working class (lower class) being drafted
ANGER OVER THE DRAFT Women…how did you feel when you didn’t have to get drafted? Men…how did you feel about the women not being drafted Hawks…how did you feel about being drafted? Doves…how did you feel about being drafted?
HAWKS VS. DOVES Hawks Supported the war Working Class Doves Against the war Led many protests Draft dodgers Hippies
TET OFFENSIVE Tet- Vietnamese New Year (1968) Guerilla fighters launched surprise attack Many American airbases and the American embassy in Saigon After a month of fighting, U.S. pushed NV back and held them off
POLITICAL VICTORY Vietcong lost the battle but American public didn’t see it that way How could the losing side launch such an attack General Westmoreland requested 209,000 more troops to add to 500,000 Public thought we would never win!
JOHNSON STEPS DOWN In the wake of Tet, Johnson announces he will not run for another term
ROBERT KENNEDY ASSASSINATION Robert Kennedy entered the presidential race for the Democratic Party in 1968 He was gunned down on June 5 th by Sirhan Sirhan He was an Arab nationalist
NIXON WINS! Richard Nixon ran again since his last loss to JFK in Nixon’s policy- “Vietnamization”