Graphic novels have always been considered as a more casual material of reading. Graphic novels are usually used to persuade students to read out of enjoyment, self-pleasure and also self- development. Therefore, the objective of this research is; -To study the perceptions of English teachers on the use of a graphic novel in the classroom. -To study the perceptions of students on the use of a graphic novel in the classroom.
The research question of this study would be as follow; -What are the perceptions of English teachers on the use of graphic novels in the classroom? -What are the perceptions of students on the use of graphic novels in the classroom?
Theories and Theoretical framework; This study will be based of the benefits and structure of graphic novels (Gene Yang, 2007). - thick comic book that contains pictures, speech bubbles with the usage of simple spoken language. - Graphic novels as a bridge between images and text. - Graphic novels have visual permanence.
Secondly, the study will also be based on the theory of Multiple literacies applied by graphic novels (Callahan, 2009). -Critical and visual literacies helps students to understand the concept represented in a text by the presentation of images and critical-based situation that occurs while reading a graphic novel
The study will also be based of the Developmental model of a reader-response approach (Thomson, 1987).
This paper would be a conceptual paper by doing a literature review of a few studies that investigate the perceptions of using graphic novels in the classroom. 1. Perceptions and Use of Graphic Novels in the Classroom (Callahan, 2009). 2. Perceptions of New Literacies With Graphic Novel Bone (Monnin, 2008). 3. Graphic Novels in the Classroom (Yang, 2007). 4. Using Graphic Novels in the High School Classroom: Engaging Deaf Students With a New Genre (Smetana et al., 2009)
In conclusion, this is a study in investigating what are the perceptions of English teachers and learners on the use of graphic novels in the classroom. This research could benefit in contributing more ideas and suggestions to improve an ESL literature classroom when it comes to using graphic novel in an educational setting.
Research objectivesResearch QuestionsLiterature ReviewMethodology 1. To study the perceptions of English teachers on the use of a graphic novel in the classroom. 2. To study the perceptions of students on the use of a graphic novel in the classroom. 1. What are the perceptions of English teachers on the use of graphic novels in the classroom? 2. What are the perceptions of students on the use of graphic novels in the classroom? 1. Benefits and structure of graphic novels (Gene Yang, 2007). 2. Theory of Multiple literacies applied by graphic novels (Callahan, 2009). 3. Developmental model of a reader- response approach (Thomson, 1987). Review of literature of studies conducted. Few of the studies being; 1. Perceptions and Use of Graphic Novels in the Classroom (Callahan, 2009). 2. Perceptions of New Literacies With Graphic Novel Bone (Monnin, 2008). 3. Graphic Novels in the Classroom (Yang, 2007). 4. Using Graphic Novels in the High School Classroom: Engaging Deaf Students With a New Genre (Smetana et al., 2009)