What is the Migrant Education Program? The Federal Title I, Part C Migrant education Program (MEP) was created in 1966 as part of a national effort to address the special educational needs of farm worker children who move with their families to harvest the fruits and vegetable that help feed our nation. The Texas MEP’s goal is to provide all migrant children with the opportunity to reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma (or complete a GED) in order to prepare them for responsible citizenship, further learning and productive employment.
Who is a migrant child? Any child under the age of 22, who does not have a U.S. issued diploma or GED and has moved: Within the last 36 months Across school district or state lines With a parent/guardian or on his/her own To obtain qualifying migratory work Migratory work refers to temporary or seasonal employment in fishing or agricultural work, including the production or initial processing of crops, livestock, dairy products and fish, as well as the cultivation and harvesting of trees.
Do migrant children have needs that are different from other children? Yes, children of migrant farm workers often travel with their parents in search of seasonal or temporary migrant work. The dislocation, nature of work, travel demands and low pay often lead children to experience challenges in school and with their personal health. The Texas MEP’s function is to provide the necessary support to meet the needs of migrant children and address all areas of concern.
Seven Areas of Concern Identified by the Office of Migrant Education at the U.S. Department of Education
English Language Development Many migrant students have a home language other than English and may face language barriers which impact content area learning. However, in this particular area, it is important to note that providing MEP-funded services to meet needs related to a student’s limited English proficiency is rarely appropriate, due to the high risk of supplanting activities more appropriately funded through State Bilingual/ESL, or when appropriate, Title III or other Federal programs. Health Migrant children face higher proportions of dental, nutritional, acute and chronic health problems than non- migrant children and are more likely to be uninsured and have difficulty accessing health care to address health problems which are interfering with a student’s ability to succeed in school.
Instructional Time Family mobility and delays in enrollment procedures may impact attendance patterns and the amount of time migrant students spend engaged in learning. Access to Services As a result of language barriers or the mobile family’s newcomer status, migrant children and families often face difficulties accessing educational and educationally-related services to which they are entitled.
Educational Continuity Due to the mobility of many migrant students, they often face differences in curriculum, academic standards, homework policies and classroom routines, as well as inconsistent course placement. Educational Support in the Home While many migrant parents value education very highly for their children, they may not have the educational resources or knowledge to provide the support expected by school staff.
School Engagement Migrant students often face difficulties associated with adjusting to new school settings, making new friends and gaining social acceptance, issues which can be grouped according to (a) behavioral engagement, which relates to opportunities for participation in academic, social or extracurricular activities; (b) emotional engagement, which relates to positive and negative reactions to teachers, classmates, academic materials and school, in general; and (c) cognitive engagement, which relates to investment in learning and may be a response to expectations, relevance and cultural connections.
What services are available for children of migrant workers? Migran t Child Tutoring Clothing/ School Supplies Vision, Hearing & Dental Screenings Free School Lunch Program Summer Programs Assistance Earning High School Credits
How can school district staff help migratory children? School district staff can encourage migrant parents and students to contact their local MEP. The collective collaboration between the MEP staff and school personnel such as teachers, counselors, school nurses and PEIMS coordinators will foster educational continuity and cultivate fields of academic success for migrant children.
PISD MEP Contacts Elisa Romero NGS Specialist Naomi Viescas NGS Specialist Suzy Caballero Coordinator Veronica Rodriguez Counselor