© University of South Wales The Academic Standards and Quality Framework: An Introduction Hayley Burns Head of Quality Unit
© University of South Wales An articulation of the University’s approach to managing academic standards, academic quality and quality enhancement: Academic Standards: The level of achievement a student has to reach to gain an academic award. They are absolute and therefore cannot be enhanced or graded. Academic Quality: The learning opportunities provided to students to help them achieve their award. Quality can be enhanced/improved. Quality Enhancement: The process of taking deliberate steps taken at an institutional level to improve the quality of learning opportunities. What is ‘The Framework’?
© University of South Wales Key Features of the New Framework: Structure 3 THE FRAMEWORK PART A: Taught Provision PART A: Taught Provision PART B: Collaborative Provision PART B: Collaborative Provision PART C: Research Provision PART C: Research Provision Procedures Procedures for Course Approval (including modifications) Procedures for Course Review & Re-validation Procedures for Annual Monitoring Procedures for the Approval and Re-approval of Collaborative Partners Procedures for the Recognised Teacher Status (RTS) Scheme Procedures for Course Approval (including modifications) Procedures for Course Review & Re-validation Procedures for Annual Monitoring Procedures for the Approval and Re-approval of Collaborative Partners Procedures for the Recognised Teacher Status (RTS) Scheme
© University of South Wales Key Features of the New Framework: AIMS Clarity: of terminology and of what is required by who and by when? Management: staff in senior roles have to manage or ensure that the process is managed Comparability: of processes across the university and between partners Transparency: audit trails Outcomes: processes will not assure or improve quality or standards; only staff will do this! 4
© University of South Wales Key Features of the New Framework: Roles and Responsibilities (1) Four tiers of operation: Module Course Faculty/Partner University Notion of the ‘Gatekeeper’ and the ‘Gateway’ 5
6 TIERGATEKEEPERACTIVITYGATEWAY Tier 4: University Vice Chancellor / Board of Directors for RWCMD Considers each Faculty’s/College Strategic Plan is in line with the University’s direction Annual Strategic Planning Meeting Vice Chancellor Considers course development proposals and gives approval to proceed with validation Deans & Executive Group Vice ChancellorReceives the validation schedule from QACAcademic Board Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Business Development) Gives approval annually for the faculties’ / College’s validation and review & re-validation schedule QAC Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Business Development) Validates new courses deemed high riskQAC Tier 3: Faculty Dean / Principal of RWCMD Produces the Faculty/College Strategic Plan which includes the future direction of the curriculum Faculty Board / Academic Board Deputy Dean / Principal of RWCMD Validates new courses and reviews & re-validates existing courses deemed low or medium risk F/CQAC Deputy Dean (or equivalent) / Principal, RWCMD Gives initial approval to proceed with planning for new courses Faculty Committee / Academic Board for RWCMD Chair of the Course Validation / Review & Re-validation Panel Recommends to QAC or F/CQAC as appropriate, validation / re-validation of the course, with or without conditions or recommends that validation is withheld F/CQAC QAC Tier 2: CourseCourse Leader Works with the Course Team to prepare the validation / review & re-validation documentation. Where the course is also delivered through collaborative arrangements the Course Leader’s counterpart is also consulted. F/CQAC, via the Course Validation / Review & Re- validation Panel Tier 1: Module Module LeaderContributes to discussions about course validation or review & re-validation Where the module is also delivered through collaborative arrangements the Module Leader’s counterpart is also consulted. F/CQAC, via the Course Validation / Review & Re- validation Panel
© University of South Wales Key Features of the New Framework: Roles and Responsibilities (3) Quality Assurance Assuring academic standards requires that YOU: Know what provision you deliver on-campus and with collaborative partners Know objectively whether it is any good (external reference points) Do something about it when it is not good and be able to measure the improvement 7
© University of South Wales Key Contacts Hayley Burns, Head of Quality Unit, Pontypridd and Cardiff Campuses tel: Siobhan Coakley, Head of Collaborative Partnerships, Pontypridd and Cardiff Campuses tel: Elisa Tavares Llewellyn, Head of Quality Support, Caerleon and City Campuses tel: