Information Literacy in the New Core Curriculum Elisa Slater Acosta Library Instruction Coordinator Loyola Marymount University
What is Information Literacy?
Definitions “Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information” (ACRL) “Information literacy empowers people in all walks of life to seek, evaluate, use, and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals” (UNESCO) Image courtesy of Beloit College Library
ACRL Information Literacy Standards
WASC Accreditation WASC 2013 Handbook of Accreditation, CFR 2.2a
Loyola Marymount University Private Jesuit and Marymount university in Los Angeles, CA 6,087 Undergraduate 2,220 Graduate WASC visit Fall 2014
WASC Assessment institution-level assessment
LMU Undergraduate Learning Goals and Outcomes (2010) Information literacy: Students will be able to identify information needs, locate and access relevant information and critically evaluate a diverse array of sources
Sources of Evidence Direct Measure: Looks at student work products or performances that demonstrate learning iSkills Testing Indirect Measure: Captures students’ perceptions of their learning and the educational environment that supports learning National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2012 Alumni Outcomes Survey 7 Powerpoint slide courtesy of the LMU Office of Assessment
LMU Assessment Cycle for information literacy outcome Massa, Laura and Kasimatis, Margaret. Meaningful Assessment of the WASC Core Competencies (Mini-workshop)
New Core Curriculum course-level & program-level assessment
Core Outcomes (25) Through the LMU Core, students will be able to… collect, interpret, evaluate and use evidence to make arguments and produce knowledge. identify information needs, locate and access information and critically evaluate sources.
Info Lit Flag
First Year Seminar
Freshman requirement – Fall Semester Assign at least 10% of the course grade on the basis of assessed information literacy, which must include completion of standardized tutorials prepared by LMU librarians Information Literacy Outcomes: 1.Be able to evaluate sources for quality (e.g., by learning to differentiate between scholarly and popular sources) 2.Acquire research skills including use of the library catalog and electronic databases to retrieve books or articles, whether in print or online
Lion’s Guide to Research & The Library Public version of the tutorial
Module 2
Module 3
Overall Average Scores: FYS Info Literacy
Mapping Course Outcomes to Quiz Questions
Planned Improvements Break down content into smaller, shorter chunks Create a “handbook” that includes a summary of key points/content covered in tutorials & other supporting materials Encourage more integration of content into FYS course and provide assignment or activity suggestions
Rhetorical Arts
Freshman requirement – Spring Semester Assign at least 10% of the final course grade on the basis of information literacy, with a librarian-led workshop and one or more course-integrated assignments Information Literacy Outcomes: 1.Conceptualize an effective research strategy and then collect, interpret, evaluate and cite evidence in written and oral communication 2.Distinguish between types of information resources and how these resources meet the needs of different levels of scholarship and different academic disciplines
Course Integrated Assignments
Assessment Library Rubrics Annotated Bibliography Research Diary Core Assessment Committee Collect random sample of student work Modify & calibrate the rubric May 2014?
Information Literacy Flag
All students must take one Info Lit Flagged course to graduate Any course at the 200 level or higher is eligible No course may carry more than two flags At least 10% of the total course grade must assess information literacy
Learning Outcomes – IL Flag 1.Select information that provides relevant evidence for a topic. 2.Find and use scholarly and discipline-specific professional information. 3.Differentiate between source types (differences include primary vs. secondary vs. tertiary sources; scholarly vs. popular sources; professional vs. academic) recognizing how their use and importance vary with each discipline 4.Evaluate resources for reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, and bias.
“Assignment as Assessment” Poster Research Prospectus Historical Trace Scientific Literature Review Podcast Research Journal/Blog Citation Chasing Business Plan Source Evaluation Annotated Bibliography
Program Assessment Rubric Resources AAC&U VALUE Rubrics RAILS - Rubric Assessment of Information Literacy Skills Locally developed rubrics
Librarians can help… Designing & Revising IL assignments Instruction - teaching search strategy, how to evaluate sources Custom Research guides/Online tutorials Assessment - rubrics & testing Get Help - research consultation appointments, chat or text-a-librarian, in- person or phone help Image created by Jamie Hazlitt, Outreach Librarian
Additional Information. PPT Slides: Contact Information: Elisa Slater Acosta All images are from Microsoft Office clip art unless noted.
SIG-2 California Academic and Research Libraries (CARL): Information Literacy Is Core: From Building Assessment Capacity to Accreditation April 23, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Atrium 3 This SIG gathering is designed for librarians, teaching faculty, and academic administrators who wish to learn more about what distinguishes information literacy from other core competencies and how to promote its development on campuses. We will discuss strategies for creating awareness and building relationships with specific groups and/or units at academic institutions. Assessment instruments and methodologies will be reviewed, and examples provided of implementation of information literacy assessment at different levels. The gathering will conclude with implications for accreditation. Convener: Les Kong CARL Executive Board member and Coordinator, Media Services California State University, San Bernardino Panelists: Lynn Lampert Chair, Research, Instruction and Outreach Services, and Information Literacy Librarian California State University, Northridge Panelists: Catherine Palmer Department Head, Education and Outreach, UC Irvine Libraries University of California, Irvine Panelists: Elisa Slater Acosta Coordinator, Library Instruction Loyola Marymount University Panelists: Henri Mondschein Manager of Information Literacy, Pearson Library California Lutheran University