Unit 1.1 Review MI
What is a medical intervention? What are the main categories of interventions that function to maintain human health?
A medical intervention is any device, medicine, or procedure that helps prevent, treat, cure, rehabilitate health impairments. Categories Diagnostic Tools – X-ray, EKG, Stethoscope, ect. Rehabilitation – crutches, casts, exercise Surgery Pharmaceuticals Genetics – Gene therapy, counseling Engineering – bionics, biometrics, nanotech
How do scientists gather evidence during the potential outbreak of an infectious disease?
Interview/Survey – people who are sick to look for connections Symptoms – Identify symptoms and compare between patients Diagnostics – Use a variety of tools to identify the cause of the disease (including ELISA and Bioinformatics) Look at concentrations and connections to determine starting point and then identify source of disease.
What is bioinformatics? How can DNA sequences be used to identify disease pathogens?
Collect a sample from the patient and grow bacteria Isolate bacteria and use enzymes to breakdown the cellular components to isolate the DNA Use PCR to amplify the 16s rDNA region Purify the 16s rDNA region using a gel or filter so that we only have this sequence Use PCR to make many fragments of the 16s rDNA region. Each fragment will stop a different base in the DNA using florescent dideoxy nucleotides. Dideoxy nucleotides stop DNA replication at a specific base. Throughout the PCR process these will be placed randomly so that there are fragments of all lengths made. The fragments move from the smallest to the largest through an automatic sequencer. The sequencer identifies the florescent dideoxy nucleotide, the last base in each of the fragments made, to tell us the sequence of the bases
Sequence Analysis Use Bioinformatics to identify the pathogen. BLAST is a computer database of gene sequences for different organisms. Input the unknown DNA sequence and the program compares it known DNA sequences. As long as the gene sequence is in the database the pathogen will be identified.
How do antibodies identify and inactivate antigens? What is an antibody? How do antibodies identify and inactivate antigens?
Antibodies Protein produced by B-cells. Each antibody will only bind to one specific antigen Once bound to antigens (proteins on a pathogen) antibodies will inactivate the pathogen and recruit lymphocytes to kill the pathogen
How can the ELISA assay be used to detect disease?
Add Antigen (Sample) Add Primary Antibody Add Secondary Antibody w/ Enzyme Add Substrate Look for color change and amount of color change
Why is it important for doctors to know the concentration of disease antigen present in a patient’s system?
The Concentration tells us who started the infection and where the possible source of the pathogen is located. Tube Dilution .1/10 =1/100 1/100 1/100 1/100 1/100 Final Dilution 1/100 1/1X104 1/1X106 1/1X108 1/1X1010
What steps do scientists take to diagnose, treat, and prevent future spread of a disease outbreak?
Diagnosis Treatment Prevention Symptoms Interviews Bioinformatics ELISA Various other diagnostic tests Treatment Antibiotics Antivirals Prevention Vaccinations Quarantines Inform public