Ongoing Assessment/Permanency FSFN CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 1
Module 1: Ongoing Case Notes Objectives Identify the process of creating case notes. Describe how to view and print notes. Demonstrate how to update Identification Records and AFCARS information. Create TANF for Ongoing Services CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 2 Module 1: Ongoing Case Notes
Completed on any case activity Cannot be deleted once saved; can be edited Any worker can enter notes on any case Handwritten notes maintained in paper file CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 3 Module 1: Ongoing Case Notes
TANF eligibility must be conducted every 12 months as long as the case is open for services. Keep the completed and signed TANF form in the child’s case record for reviews, audits, program monitoring or other references. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 4 Module 1: Ongoing Case Notes
Module 2: Missing Child Record Objectives Document a Missing Child Record. Document a placement change when a child goes missing. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 5 Module 2: Missing Child Record
When a child goes missing, you must: Document all efforts to locate the child in FSFN as Narratives. Notify CLS that the child is missing. Complete the FSFN Missing Child Report following the local agency protocol. Complete an Incident Report and fax/deliver to all appropriate parties. Notify all caregivers, parents, relatives, GAL, service providers, school/daycare, etc. Report the child missing to Law Enforcement, immediately if the child is 11 years old or younger and /or high risk OR up to 4 hours if the child is 12 years old or older.. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 6 Module 2: Missing Child Record
Module 3: Relative Placement Objectives Add a Case Participant. Explain the need for a Relative Unified Home Study. Update an Out-of-Home and Visitation Plan. Document a placement change for a child. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 7 Module 3: Relative Placement
Out-of-Home Relative Placement/Provider. Placement When a child is placed with an approved relative or non-relative Substitute care setting where a child resides during a removal episode. The worker making the placement must add the relative or non-relative as a placement provider. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 8 Module 3: Relative Placement
Updating an Out-of-Home Plan Every time the child moves to a new placement (licensed or unlicensed). When do you update an Out-of- Home Plan? CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 9 Module 3: Relative Placement
Updating a Visitation Plan must be a collaborative effort between the PI and the CM. assures safe and timely contacts between the separated child and his or her family; including separated siblings. The Visitation Plan… CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 10 Module 3: Relative Placement
Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update Objectives Create an Ongoing/Updated Family Assessment. Describe how to create the Judicial Review/Task Evaluation. Create the Judicial Review/Goal Evaluation. Launch, edit and print the Judicial Review template. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 11 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
Must be updated minimum every 6 months More frequently if family circumstances significantly change Six month family assessment must include: Summary of casework activities for past 6 months Changes in family conditions or circumstances Factors affecting family strengths/protective capacities Identified risks to child Signs of emerging danger Achieved and pending case plan goals Services needed to meet case plan goals CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 12 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
Outcomes Resources/Barriers Family Instruction Recommendation Attachments CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 13 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
Measures and Documents Progress Reason for Agency Involvement General Desired Outcome CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 14 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
Resources Barriers Documents Resource Availability and Barriers to achieving desired outcomes CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 15 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
2 narrative fields First - required Visitation Plan Outcomes Question Yes requires text field Household Barriers CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 16 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
Reasonable Efforts 2 enabled text fields – not required Recommendations 3 columns – first 2 pre-populated Overall compliance - dropdown Recommendation to Court Narrative to edit recommendations to the court – not required CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 17 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
Medical Mental Health Visitation Plan EducationMaster Trust CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 18 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
Basic Placement Permanency Plan Independent Living Recommendations CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 19 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
LegalParent/Guardian Child’s participation at hearing CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 20 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
JR/Goal Evaluation Permanency Plan Last Judicial Review Last Permanency Hearing Last Permanency Staffing Date by which next Permanency Hearing is due Concurrent court approved permanency goal Current Permanency Information Permanency Considerations made at 12 months CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 21 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
JR/Goal Evaluation Recommendations Rilya Wilson Act Compliance Documents family compliance and progress CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 22 Module 4: Judicial Review Social Study/Case Plan Update
Module 5: Medical/Mental Health Documentation Objectives Explain documentation requirements for medical profile. Document children’s medications. Document mental health profile. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 23 Module 5: Medical/Mental Health Documentation
Medical/Mental Health Profile Medical Profile Medications Mental Health Profile Medical History CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 24 Module 5: Medical/Mental Health Documentation
Medical/Mental Health Child’s medical history View and update Current Health Care Providers Medication information Basic health problems Document CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 25 Module 5: Medical/Mental Health Documentation
Medical Profile “Snapshot” of medical status Information about health care providers Primary Health Care Providers View and update providers, emergency contact and Medicaid number Basic Group Box Specific health problems/allergies Immunization status CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 26 Module 5: Medical/Mental Health Documentation
In original container Current prescription Advised by physician; must seek court approval Take possession of psychotropic medication Must be informed drug is being given Parents/Legal Custodians Reason parental authorization not obtained Why psychotropic medication is necessary for child’s well-being Official Record CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 27 Module 5: Medical/Mental Health Documentation
Prescribing physician Medication name What medication is for Date prescribed and stopped CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 28 Module 5: Medical/Mental Health Documentation
Snapshot Mental Health Status Treatment View and update Date of CBHA Substance Abuse Substance Abuse Information Referral Information CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 29 Module 5: Medical/Mental Health Documentation
Module 6: Parental Reunification Objectives Explain documentation requirements for a Parental Reunification Readiness Assessment and Home Study. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 30 Module 6: Parental Reunification
Reunification is achieved when… Collaboration occurs with all involved persons to assess the child’s safety and the readiness of the parents and child to live together on a full time basis. Risk factors are reduced to a level of safety for the child. Parents and children have successfully spent extended periods of time together without further maltreatment. Parents and child indicate verbally and by their actions that they are ready for reunification. The family has established a strong support system. A positive Parental Reunification Readiness Assessment and Home Study has been completed and approved. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 31 Module 6: Parental Reunification
Module 7: Case Closure Objectives Demonstrate how to end an out-of-home placement and create a living arrangement. Explain how to submit a case for case closure. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 32 Module 7: Case Closure
FSFN Case Closure Prior to submitting a case for closure ALL pieces of work must be closed/end dated with appropriate approvals completed. Submit the case for closure with supervisory approval. Allow time for the FSFN Case Closure batch to occur and for the closure status to be accepted by the system. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 33 Module 7: Case Closure
Module 8: Independent Living Objectives Learn how to create an Independent Living Program Referral. Learn how to create an Independent Living Record. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 34 Module 8: Independent Living
Independent Living Eligibility The Independent Living Program is for youth years of age, who have been placed in the care, custody, and control of the Agency. Pre independent living: years of age in the custody of the agency Life Skills Services: years of age in the custody of the agency. Subsidized independent living services: 16 years old and up to the 18 th birthday living in licensed out-of-home care with case plan goal of APPLA. Aftercare support/Road to Independence: years of age in FC a minimum of 6 months prior to 18 th birthday but request services prior to reaching 23 years of age. Must be enrolled in school full time, a Florida resident and citizen. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 35 Module 8: Independent Living
Module 9: Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children Objectives Create an ICPC Checklist from Florida to another State. Create an ICPC Checklist: Outgoing from Florida to another State. Create the ICPC 100 A and 100 B forms in FSFN. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 36 Module 9: Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children
FSFN ICPC (Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children) Ensure all FSFN ICPC documentation is complete with signatures on all forms. Once the 100 A and the 100 B forms are created/saved, they are located in the Forms Icon on the desktop. The Regulation 7 and the ICPC Parent/ Relative/Foster Care Checklist is accessed on the Maintain Case Page. CM 123_OAP_FSFN_PPT_July 2012 PPT 37 Module 9: Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children