WWe use the Present Perfect to show a direct link with the present. WWe use it for something that happened in the past but when the present result is important. e.g. Sarah has eaten something bad. She does not feel well.
WWe use the Present Perfect to show a direct link with the present. WWith words such as just, recently and lately the Present Perfect shows that something happened in the recent past, close to the present. e.g. Mr. Levi has just come back from his trip.
WWe use the Present Perfect to show a direct link with the present. IIt is used for something that began in the past and continues into the present. e.g. We have been in New York for a week and are having a great time. IIt is used for an action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking. e.g. I have never been to Australia.
WWe use the Present Perfect with already emphasis to show surprise that something has happened sooner than expected. Already is used only in positive and question sentences. e.g. I have already done my homework! Can’t you see it’s finished?
WWe often use the Present Perfect with ever and never to refer to all past time till now. e.g. Have you ever been to London? – No, I haven’t.
TThe Present Perfect is often used after a superlative when the main verb of the sentence is in the present tense. e.g. This is the best concert I have ever visited. IIt is used with the following expressions: this is the first (second, eetc) time…, it’s the first (second, etc.) time… e.g. This is the first time she has been in New York.
TThe Present Perfect is used with since and for for an activity that began in the past but continues into the present. For – indicates a period or length of time. Since – mentions a point in time when the action began. e.g. Katya has lived in Israel since Guy hasn’t left the city for six years.
WWe often use the Present Perfect with ever and never to refer to all past time till now. e.g. Have you ever been to Paris? – No, I haven’t.
IIt is used to ask or state how long something has taken place up to the present. e.g. How long have you played the piano?
TThe Present Perfect with yet shows that the speaker expects something to happen. Yet is used only in questions and negative sentences. e.g. Have you see a new movie yet?
already all my life ever for just not yet recently since so far up to now lately till now never yet
I, we, you, they Rest of the sentence have He, she, ithas V3V3 She has already done her Book Report. We have decided where to go on holiday. I, we, you, they He, she, it have has not V3V3 Rest of the sentence Yuval hasn’t left the country for five years. We haven’t seen Noam since Sunday.
Yes / No Question I, we, you, they Has Rest of the sentence? Wh - word Have he, she, it V3V3 Wh – Non- Subject Question has have he, she, it I, we, you, they V3V3 Rest of the sentence? Wh – Subject Question Who/ Whathas V3V3 Rest of the sentence?
Ex. 1 Ex. 5Ex. 6 Ex. 7Ex.8 Ex.2Ex.3Ex.4 Present Perfect Simple Quiz 1Quiz 2Quiz 3 Quiz 4