Solzhenitsyn Quiz 1/29/13 Head a ½ sheet of paper. Describe view of a writer’s role. (10 min. (bullet points only)
Dialogue Task 1/29/13 1. PENCIL ONLY: Make corrections directly on Dialogue hdt
J.E. #8: Detail 1/29/13 Write 1 example of strong detail from Obama’s 2009 or 2013 speech. Prepare to explain. Write 1 example of strong detail from The Nobel Lecture. Prepare to explain.
HWL Agenda: 1/29/13 *Resume meetings *Mini-Conferences Reading Workshop Close Reading Packet share, discussion (I’ll be listening for depth of thought, clarity and accuracy) Speech Annotations Solzhenitsyn’s from Nobel Lecture P. 1294: Qs #2 (a-c); #6, #7, #8 P. Comp./Cont. Speeches (Obama’s 09 or 13 w/ from Nobel Lecture ) Vocabulary Ensure Unit 1 Vocab. Squares are on Smartboard VIC Answers Unit 2 Flash Card Review Unit 1 and Unit 2 Review (assign a “caller”/scorekeeper)
Nobel Lecture by Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speeches/Close-Reading Phase 1: Read from Nobel Lecture by Alexander Solzhenitsyn (translated by F.D. Reeve) - pp. 1288, Phase 2: Take authorial background notes on Solzhenitsyn (p. 1288); lightly Reread and Complete P. 1294: Complete Qs #2 (a-c); #6, #7, #8 Phase 3: Complete “Close Reading Checklist” Questions Phase 4: Use a Graphic Organizer of your choice and Comp/Contrast Obama’s 2009 or 2013 Speech with/Solzhenitsyn’s piece
Homework: 1/29/13 Don’t Forget: * Final Day for Vocab. Book Purchase (point deductions begin on Monday…see me if you have concerns, or isolated issues) * Summer Reading Make-up Deadline: 1 st Day Quick-Write, Test, Notes Wednes., Jan. 30: Complete Pre-reading of Coelho’s The Alchemist questions Wednes., Jan. 30: Bring in a copy of Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist (or proof that you have ordered it) Wednes., Jan. 30: Bring in Fri., Feb. 1: Bring in Clean/Final Copy of Resume to submit to committee Fri., Feb. 1: Draft 3: “Object Talking” and “Remembering an Incident”: 1. Make necessary revisions to improve detail, 2. Dialogue, 3. Try to incorporate at least 1 new Unit 2 Vocab. word Senior Project Mentor Search Begin research for thought-provoking Research Paper topic (5-7pp.)
Timeline Wheeler Senior Project Spring 2013 January 11 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Senior Project presented. Mentor Approval Process and Application discussed. January 14 **Due Date for Consequences of Failure to Meet Deadline Form Week of January Classes meet in the library Overview and Expectations of Student Resume presented. January 24 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Student Proposal presented. February 1 **Due Date for Resume February 7 **Due Date for Mentor Approval Form February 14 **Due Date for Proposal and Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Proclamation Posters presented.
Timeline (cont’d) Wheeler Senior Project Spring 2013 February 21 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Project Portfolio presented. This is a culmination of all the work for the semester that will be presented on Boards Night (Due November 8). February 28 **Due Date for Proclamation Poster March TBD **Research Paper Due (exact date to be determined by individual English teachers) March 7 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Letter to the Judges presented. March 21 **Due Date for Letter to the Judges March 22 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Formal Presentation of the senior project for Board Night presented. April 4 **Due Date for Mentor Hours Log (turned in to English teachers) and Mentor Verification and Evaluation must be faxed by Mentor
Timeline (cont’d) Wheeler Senior Project Spring 2013 April 18 ** Due Date for Portfolio and Meeting in Auditorium (logistics) April 25 Senior Project/Board Night