Project Team New Addition's Environment Agency Area Coastal Engineers Chair of South Devon and Dorset Coastal Authorities Group Chair of the North Devon and Dorset Coastal Authorities Group Chair of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Coastal Authorities Group Chair of Severn Estuary Coastal Authorities Group
Project Board New Addition's Chair of South West Coastal Group Chair of Bristol Channel Coastal Group Flood and Coastal Risk Manager - Environment Agency
Regional Framework Agreements One OJEU notice issued for all of the Regional Framework Agreements Framework tenders issued in July for South West Region Framework is divided into 7 Framework lots TDC project managing the 7 survey areas
Contracts have been awarded for: Topographical Surveys – Two Consultants for 4 work packages Hydrodynamic Services (Waves and Tides) Currently out to Mini Competition/Tender LiDAR Surveys
Frameworks now awarded for: Topographical Surveys Hydrodynamic Services LiDAR Surveys Ecology/ habitat mapping
Budget South West Programme Budget ActivityTotals Topographic surveys£1,280, Bathymetric Surveys£538, LiDAR£542, Aerial surveys£264, Ecological monitoring£212, Hydrodynamics£990, Regional data management and analysis, reporting - consultants£300, Regional data management and analysis, reporting EA or LA£580, Project management EA or LA£191, Totals£4,897, Contingency£650, Grand Total£5,547, % Savings to be found to give a total approved budget of £4.4 Million
Wave Buoy and Tide Gauge Network
Topographical Surveys TSW 1 PCO Survey Team TSW 2 TSW 4 TSW 3
LiDAR Surveys
Bathymetric Surveys Annual Single Beam Surveys of Teign and Exe Estuary Multi Beam Surveys Year 2 and 4
Habitat Mapping due to take place in year 4 Based on 2012 Aerial Photography
Working on behalf of the South West Coastal Authorities