Territorial and urban dimension 1Informal Dialogue with the European Commission March 20, 2013, Prague
2Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Regional disparities March 20, 2013, Prague
regional disparities among regions are significant –in terms of unemployment rate and economic development dynamics –significant and increasing regional disparities inside individual regions –tendencies for creating poles of growth (in economic centres) forming of regional centres rather than regional axes –weak and problem areas emerged – “inner peripheries” (economically weak areas inside well prospering regions, alongside regional borders) –a successful (favorable) regional development of metropolitan areas can conceal some problems in specific areas at lower level (when assessing regional level) deepening of regional disparities at subregional level regions with concentrated state support –economically weak regions and regions with high unemployment rate lagging behind regional average (as to economic development) 3Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Regional disparities March 20, 2013, Prague
GDP per capita in regions (2010) CZ = index 100 4Informal Dialogue with the European Commission GDP per capita March 20, 2013, Prague
GDP (Municipalities with extended powers) expert analysis 5Informal Dialogue with the European Commission GDP per capita March 20, 2013, Prague
6Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Index of regional competitiveness March 20, 2013, Prague
7Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Index of Competitiveness of Municipalities with extended powers March 20, 2013, Prague
8Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Migration balance March 20, 2013, Prague
9Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Unemployment rate – municipalities with extended powers March 20, 2013, Prague
Classification of CR municipalities by size groups 10Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Settlement structure March 20, 2013, Prague
11Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Territorial typology of the Czech Republic March 20, 2013, Prague
1.Developing areas –Metropolitan areas (areas with concentration above 300,000 inhabitants) –Agglomerations – (concentration 100,000 – 300,000) –Regional centres (incl. surroundings) – 25,000 – 100,000 2.Stabilized areas – not belonging to agglomerations and regional centres (and their surroundings) and peripheral areas 3.Peripheral areas – geographically remote areas with a long-term accumulation of problems (borders areas, mountain areas, „inner peripheries“ or areas with specific issues). 12Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Territorial typology of the Czech Republic March 20, 2013, Prague
Criteria: -GDP - unemployment rate - indebtedness - benefits in material needs -migration balance 13Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Regions with state aid March 20, 2013, Prague
14Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Social excluded localities – potential of social exclusion March 20, 2013, Prague
to substantially reduce the differences in the socio- economic level of the Czech regions; to contribute to the utilization of the Czech regional potential; to strengthen local competitiveness of regions, cities and municipalities; to support long-term development of labor market; to improve conditions for sustainable and balanced development and the quality of life in the CR; to increase the resource efficiency in achieving ESIF objectives based on territorial-oriented actions/interventions; to effectively promote regional and local development based on the principles of partnership and multi-level governance; to strengthen the urban-rural linkages. 15Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Territorial dimension objectives March 20, 2013, Prague
Territorial Dimension setting markedly different in individual (Operational) Programmes NUTS II and III level and particularly at lower administration level Common principles: thematic (sectoral) territorial integrated 16Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Approaches to TD March 20, 2013, Prague
Scheme of Territorial Dimension
a)by defining axis, priorities/actions where territorial principle (based on typology) will be applied (i. e. actions mainly in selected types of regions) b)by defining axis, priorities/actions where territorial principle will partly be applied – percentage ratio for selected types of regions to all territorial scope c)by setting contribution to integrated principle – define tools (instruments) and mechanisms that secure coordination among ESIF + determine financial allocation of OP/priority axis… (specific calls for proposal focused on projects within integrated strategies d)by defining different types of territory (protected landscape areas) and modification of evaluative (assessment) criteria and types of criteria e)by representation of regional partners within coordination role, main target groups or beneficiaries 18Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Thematic principle March 20, 2013, Prague
Result from typology of Regional Development Strategy of the CR 2014 – 2020: Type A: focus on developing potential 1.Developing areas –Metropolitan areas (areas with concentration above 300,000 inhabitants) –Agglomerations – (concentration 100,000 – 300,000) –Regional centres (incl. surroundings) – 25,000 – 100,000 2.Stabilized areas – not belonging to agglomerations and regional centres (and their surroundings) and peripheral areas 3.Peripheral areas – geographically remote areas with a long-term accumulation of problems (borders areas, mountain areas, inner peripheries or areas with specific issues). plus Type B : focus on regions supported by state regions supported by the state (regions with economic problem, social exluded areas) 19Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Thematic principle March 20, 2013, Prague
based on relevant instruments preliminary proposal: ITI – metropolitan areas (fulfilment of 5% of sustainable urban development requirement) ITDP – developing areas, regions supported by the state --- successor of IUDP CLLD – based on the Rural development programme aimed at peripheral areas priority and selected stabilized areas, supported also by other thematic OPs … 20Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Integrated principle March 20, 2013, Prague
21Informal Dialogue with the European Commission Scheme of the integrated instruments March 20, 2013, Prague