CLIMATE CHANGE KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTS Climate Change Team - Environment Department
Overview Climate Knowledge products – Climate Modelling and Impact Assessments – Adaptation/Risk Reduction – Climate related tools – Low Carbon growth studies
What: – Collaborative on-line portal – Range of climate, disaster risk, and climate-related data and tools – Support for climate resilience measures for specific user contexts and needs Why: –Facilitate easy access to consistent datasets and resources externally and across the WB (avoid duplications!) –Support implementation of actions by simplifying access to and use of relevant quality information Climate Change Knowledge Portal For Development Practitioners and Policy Makers
Access - Climate Historical Baseline Historical Variability Future – Change – Confidence Climate Data
Crops Disasters Water Resources Global Runoff projections Impacts Mean Annual Runoff Base flow Peak flow Storage Mean annual Irrigation Deficit CMI (Climate Moisture Index)
Access -Socio-economic Indicators Standard economic indicators MDG progress and others Socio-Economic Indicators Land area below 5m Population below 5m Population w/in 100km of coast Flood events Access to improved water Access to improved sanitation Access to electricity HIV rate Urban Growth Rate Urban slum population % workforce in agriculture Cereal yields Food aid received Drought events Birth rate Life Expectancy Under 5 mortality Undernourished population Malaria cases Fertilizer use Renewable water resources Extreme temperature Adult literacy Income share held by lowest 20% Net ODA per capita Public spending on education Terrestrial protected areas Poverty gap
Projects Low Carbon Growth Studies Climate Finance Platform Actions and Support
Interface and Data Other emissions scenarios GCM downloads Downscaled Data and Model comparisons (July 2011) GCM Derivatives (July 2011) – Statistics – Confidence/ Agreement Improved visualization of Impacts and Maps – UNEP GRIP Disasters – Downscaled Information Integration of databases with Global Facility for Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Disaster Risk Reduction (GFDRR) adaptation country profiles Pilot country profiles Climate Investment Funds (July 2011) Sectoral Decision Support Systems: Energy (July 2011) Private Sector Synthesis Products Work in Progress
Why? Responding to partners’ needs for real-time access to basic climate change information through an integrated user friendly platform that also allows one to explore, evaluate, and learn about disaster risk reduction in a changing climate What? Climate Change Adaptation profiles for the 31 GFDRR priority countries across all Bank Regions -- an operational tool for both disaster risk management and development practitioners to access just- in-time reference information on adaptation How? Leverages GFDRR work on geospatial analysis, vulnerability mapping, risk analysis, and stakeholder engagement with WB adaptation analytical programming. A modular configuration based on the existing WB Climate Change Knowledge Portal allows for continuous update and future expansion into sector-specific coverage GFDRR Tools: Climate Risk and Adaptation Country Profiles
Synthesis Products: Climate Risk and Adaptation Country Profiles
Links to additional resources and tools to support decision making e.g.: – UNDP Adaptation Learning Mechanism Other knowledge products for Low Carbon Growth initiatives WB Documents including material in Archives Additional Resources
Initial Pilots in 7 emerging economies – Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland and South Africa – Spanned period Over 2 years each on average to complete Program cost approximately USD 8 million (to date) Now working with next generation of clients – Algeria, Macedonia, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Vietnam etc Low Carbon Growth: Country Experiences
Proven Experience: Lessons, Methodologies, Tools Important Experience & Lessons Strategies for engagement Building ownership and capacity Pioneering new approaches, methodologies and tools Helping to identify and weigh investments Mobilizing finance New Modeling Tools E-learning and help facilities for the EFFECT model User interface for MACC Tool Knowledge Products & Dissemination Knowledge briefs (country studies, key lessons) HOW and train-the-trainer events Knowledge sharing (internal and external fora)
Questions: Abatement Opportunities Technologies / Investment Marginal Abatement Cost Bottom-up vs. Top-down Questions: Impact on Economic Growth, Employment, Trade, Production Choices, etc. EFFECT HEAT TAMT MACtool LULUCF Multi-region CGE Dynamic Stochastic GE Several tools are needed to make low carbon development decisions
ROCA Model Multi-region CGE Peer-reviewed model applied to Poland Impact of EU package MEMO Model Dynamic stochastic GE Poland model + energy and climate redesign Macro impact of options MicroMAC Curve TREMOVE Plus Model Marginal abatement cost (NPV cost per tCO 2 e) ~125 technology options Power generation options MIND module (optimal energy package) TREMOVE model (road transport) Passenger, freight MacroMAC curve In the Pipeline: Linking Macroeconomic and Bottom-Up Models Low carbon growth assessment for Poland
Contact Ana Bucher Jane Ebinger