By: Briana Crabill & Megan Erwin
Dates: 221 B.C – 206 B.C. Leaders: Qin Shi Huangdi The first official declared emperor of China. Qin Er Shi His son, was forced to commit his own suicide. Ziying Was executed.
China was named after this dynasty, Qin, being pronounced “Chin”. Language, writing, currency, weights and measurements were all standardized. The Great Wall of China was built to protect the country from invasions, but failed to do so. Hyperlink to virtual tour of the Wall. At his burial, Qin Shi Huangdi was buried with 7500 terracotta miliarty figures, who guarded his tomb into the after life.
Rise: Qin Shi Huangdi united the seven warring states after the Warring States Period in 221 B.C., and declared himself emperor. Killed many scholars who were not to his liking, added to this dislike that many felt towards him as an emperor, due to his harsh ruling. Fall: He wanted to be immortal, so he took many potions in order to do so. He died before he could reach immortality, while traveling in 206 B.C.
Almost none, due to the fact that the wall of China was built to keep others out.