International Business Management Korea Nazarene University 국제경영학과 PPT 공모전 장훈필
2 Table of contents I II III IV 국제경영학과▶과목 2 Introduction KNU Why IBM? History Vision KNU Vision IBM Vision Career Paths Consultant Int. Trade Marketing Student Life Multi-cultural experience Special events Student council
3 국제경영학과▶과목 3 Introduction
국제경영학과▶과목 44 Korea Nazarene University Korea Nazarene University was established in 1954 by Dr. Donald Owens. Located in Cheonan, a global center for Chri stianity, technology and education, KNU is o ne of the leading Christian Private universiti es. Introduction KNU Why IBM? History
5 국제경영학과▶과목 55 Why IBM Introduction KNU Why IBM? History We have the best foreign professors!
666 국제경영학과▶과목 66 Multi-cultural experience Student Life Multi-cultural experience Special events Student council Taiwan The Philippines
777 국제경영학과▶과목 77 Special Events Student Life Multi-cultural experience Special events Student council
88 국제경영학과▶과목 88 Student Council English proficiency is crucial to IBM students. Student Life Multi-cultural experience Special events Student council
International Business Management Korea Nazarene University
10 Table of contents I II III IV 국제경영학과▶과목 10
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국제경영학과▶과목 12
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