David Elkind Adolescent Egocentrism Breanna Leatham
Background American Psychologist Author Professor (Tufts University) Perceptual, social, and cognitive development Enjoys sailing/gardening/ sailing
David Elkind’s Works 500 items and includes research, theoretical articles, book chapters and eighteen books The Hurried Child A Sympathetic Understanding of the Child: Birth to Sixteen All Grown Up and No Place to Go: Teenagers In Crisis Miseducation: Preschoolers at Risk Ties In That Stress: The New Family Imbalance Children and Adolescence
Influences Jean Piaget Adolescent Egocentrism from his 1951Theory of Cognitive Development Self and Other differentiation
Theory- Adolescent Egocentrism “The belief that other are as preoccupied with his appearance and behavior that constitutes the egocentrism of the adolescent” “The underlying process affecting how adolescents perceive and experience their lives is multifaceted, defying simplistic theory” Often self-critical and self-admiring Always presenting to an ‘imaginary audience’
Critique Daniel Lapsley (Moral) & Gardner Murphy (Social and Personality) His theories fell into ‘interpersonal understanding’ and ‘social development’ Lots of other “Theoretical and Empirical Scrutiny”
Classroom Applications Learning Through Play Better understanding of students Understanding of how “…adolescents perceive and experience their lives in multifaceted,” “Media access has transformed parent-child relationship” “Cultural differences are central in understanding adolescents” “The dynamic nature of adolescence is further intensified by the dynamic nature of the permeable family”
References (Egocentrism in Adolescence by David Elkind) (Alan Oda Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology, Universityhttp://psyc526final.wikispaces.com/file/view/CrisisOfAdolescents.pdf of California, Riverside, 1993) ngthroughplay.htmlwww.communityplaythings.com/resources/articles/valueofplay/learni ngthroughplay.html nd&searchby=author&intsortby=4&intsortorder=0&gclid=cjybkfygxru cfqhxqgodonuaga development.html