李正國 OpenMeetings
Introduction OpenMeetings is a free browser-based software that allows you to set up instantly a conference in the Web. You can use your microphone or webcam, share documents on a white board, share your screen or record meetings. It is available as hosted service or you download and install a package on your server with no limitations in usage or users. 2
Major Version Change History 2011/10/08 OpenMeetings released 2011/10/02 OpenMeetings released 2011/09/14 OpenMeetings 1.8 released 2011/06/16 OpenMeetings 1.7 released 2010/11/11 OpenMeetings 1.6 released 2010/09/26 OpenMeetings 1.5 released … 3
Latest Version 2011/10/08 We are happy to announce version With installation of OpenMeetings is a 30 seconds task! The default database is Apache Derby that ships with every OpenMeetings release. There is nothing to configure, just unpack and double click red5.bat. For further details Additionally there is a sample configuration for IBM DB2 database. Download Changlog Thanks to all developers, contributors and translators! Sebastian You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "OpenMeetings User" group. 4
Author : Sebastian Wagner Google + Self Introduction Administrator OpenMeetings (Open Source Web-Conferencing) Freelancing on various Java, PHP, Flash/Flex/OpenLaszlo projects Blog 5
Easy to install 7
Features Flash based, so client side … OS independent (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android 3.x, Chrone OS) Browser independent (IE, FireFox, Chrone, Opera, …) Video/Audio ( 70 Kbyte/sec for audio/video ) Desktop Sharing( 90 Kbyte/sec upload for screen sharing ) Recording Whiteboard drawing, write & edit, dragNDrop, Resizing, Images, Symbol(s), videos Import Documents .pdf,.jpg,.gif,.png,.doc,.ppt,.xls, docx,pptx,xlsx, … 8
Features (Cont’d) Multi-Language (Chinese Traditional included) Integration API Remote SOAP-Gateway for Single Sign On, integration and remote administration REST Send invitation and direct links into a conference room LDAP-Connector SIP Moderating System Backup and Restore Private and Public Conference-Rooms 9
Plugins and Integration 10
Hardware & Software Requirements Minimal Hardware Requirement 1GHz CPU + 1 GB RAM Database MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, … OpenOffice Service started and listening on port 8100 ImageMagick GhostScript SWFTools FFMpeg 11
Ports Default Ports: 1935 (RTMP), 8088 (RTMP-Over HTTP), 5080 (HTTP), 4445 (Desktop Sharing),Desktop Sharing 8443 (RTMP over SSL) for alternate Port settings have a look at red5/conf/red5.properties. Don't forget that you have also some port settings in the Client, see the red5/webapps/openmeetings/config.xml Test result : 80,5080,
FAQ 1 Q : How to change my video size A : If you resize your own video-pod in the conference much larger and then synchronize the stream, all clients will get a better picture (it also needs more bandwidth, as it will take the actual new height / width numbers to publish your stream) 13
FAQ2 Q : When I upload a doc/ppt/xls file, it shows error message A : Make sure OpenOffice is running How to enable OpenOffice C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice.org 3\program\soffice.exe -headless -nofirststartwizard - accept="socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.Se rvice" netstat -an |find /i "8100" 14
FAQ3 Q : how can I change the word “OpenMeetings" with my company name or logo? A : c:\openmeetings_1_8_2_r4283\webapps\openmeetings\config. xml Line 54 OpenMeetings Q : Can I upload a html tag? For example: A : No, just simple strings. 15
FAQ4 Q : How to change default language? A : Database : openmeetings Table : configuration Configuration_id=12 comment_field Default System LanguageID Conf_key=default_lang_id Conf_value=1 => 12 Table : fieldlanguage 1 english 12 chinese traditional 16
FAQ5 Q I'm about to put the OpenMeetings running for 200 students. Is there any advices (specifications) about what customizations should be done in my Linux configurations (and what kind of hardware would be desirable) A For 200 students you should have: 3-4 GB RAM, 2-3 GHz Dual Core CPU Bandwidth depends on usage scenario, 1 audio/video connection produces around 70 KByte/sec 1 screen sharing produces around 90 KByte/sec 4 participants in a conference room where everybody has audio and video turned on produce: 4 * (4-1) stream=12 side 100 participants in a webinar room where 1 is presenter and other just watch: 1 Stream uploading to the server 100 Streams downloading from the server. And so on... 17
FAQ6 Q : View only screen sharing? A : For now you can just remove the moderation from the other users, and they won't be able to do remote control. Only Moderators or if you directly give that right to other users, they are able to do remote control on the screen and not only view. 18
FAQ7 Q Sebastian, I understand everything you talk. But could you tell me please if OpenMeetings is integrated ONLY with OpenSIPg server? Or it could work with any SIP- server that has similar architecture? A It could work with any SIP server that provides the needed API functionality to create SIP users and conference rooms. 19
FAQ8 Q : Is there any setting available to move whiteboard toolbar on left hand side vertical? A : You can simply drag and drop it. Q : Can it be automatic shift to left hand side vertical. A : There is no such option, you would need to customize it. 20
FAQ9 Q : I was hoping to test a tablet with this so purchased an htc flyer to see how things would work out. So far, I have not found a way to display my tablets camera to others in a flash conference. I can view the conference but I cannot enable the camera to send video. Is there a separate application needed on the server side to allow a tablet which doesn't appear to have flash enabled video sending or something else? Thanks. A : I don't think there is anything officially released for tablets yet. Sebastian 21
Video/Audio/Port c:\openmeetings_1_8_3_r4343\webapps\openmeetings\config.xml Video and Audio Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Port Line Line To this port the fallback is done once the default rtmpport failed This should workaround 99% of all firewalls Line Line 34 no Line
Multi-Language Where to find language files? You can find all current language files here: pp/WebContent/languages/ pp/WebContent/languages/ Import and export of Language Files Use the LanguageEditor for translation with the LanguageEditor you can import and export Language Files 23
Language edit the labels of any language, changes will take effect as soon as you re-login 24
Language (Cont’d) DB Table fieldlanguage Langauge_id :12 Name : chinese traditional fieldlanguagesvalues Fieldlanguagesvalues_id : 239 Value : Share/record screen Language file (XML) C:\openmeetings_1_8_2_r4283\webapps\openmeetings\languages \chinese traditional.xml (36 langauges) Line 723 Line 724 分享你的屏幕 Line 725 fieldlanguagesvalues_id 239 分享你的屏幕 => 桌面分享 / 錄影 fieldlanguagesvalues_id
Color These colors are the main colors and style the hole application 0x669AE6 0x7BA8EA 0x99BBEE Customize 0x 0x7BA8EA 0x99BBEE 26
OpenMeetings + MySQL File There is a MySQL sample config: mysql_persistence.xml that ships with every release of OpenMeetings. C:\openmeetings_1_8_4_r4387\webapps\openmeetings\WEB-INF\classes\META- INF\mysql_persistence.xml Before you start Make sure that you have set utf8 as default/server-character-set in your MySQL configuration Step 1 : Rename $red5/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/mysql_persistence.xml to $red5/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml Step 2 : Change parameter value $USER_NAME and $USER_PASS References
Integration : General Flow Graph 28
SOAP References Tip See also for a complete Service Overview and Guide the Axis2- Service-Browser. It ships with every OpenMeetings installation so goto: UserService getSession loginUser setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHash ALL methods that are implemented for the SOAP API are also available via REST. 29
REST 1. Get SessionID b3f e ba18a0a22e09 2. Login User 18a0a22e09&username=administrator&userpass=yalinwu0829 1 3. Get Hash b3f e ba18a0a22e09&username=administrator&firstname= 李正國 &lastname=&profilePictureUrl=& =&externalUserId=1&externalUserType=true&room_id=2&becomeMode ratorAsInt=1&showAudioVideoTestAsInt=0 ef7854be d97194bf4a71571ed 4. Enter Reference
New Layout 31
Donations for OpenMeetings If you would like to donate for the completion of a particular Feature you may contact the Mailing list Or Contact: Sebastian Wagner Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 7 Karlsruhe ++49 (0) Mail: seba dot wagner at gmail dot com Jabber: seba dot wagner at gmail dot com Web: Skype: s.wagner1 32
Service & Support If you need assistance in installation, customization or integration for Moodle, Sugar or any other Intranet or Domain Controller you can hire one of our developers. 33
Recommended Hardware Webcam Microsoft LifeCam Studio $99.95 studio/Q2F studio/Q2F Microphone PHOENIX AUDIO DUET PCS PRICE: $
Recommended Hardware (Cont’d) Webcam Microsoft LifeCam Cinema cinema/H5D cinema/H5D Microphone Clear One Chat 50
Road Map Release 1.9 TBA Release 2.0 Brainstorming Tools Mindmapping Tools Release 2.1 TBA 36
References OpenMeetings OpenMeetings > Direct Login Soap General Flow OpenMeetings > REST API OpenMeetings > Nightly Build OpenOffice 3.3 TW/3.3.0/OOo_3.3.0_Win_x86_install-wJRE_zh-TW.exe TW/3.3.0/OOo_3.3.0_Win_x86_install-wJRE_zh-TW.exe OpenOffice 3.4 Beta 1
Hand on Install MySQL, Navicate Install OpenOffice Install OpenMeetings Install ImageMagick GhostScript SWFTools FFMpeg 38
Hand On Language Desktop sharing/Recording 39
Coding Public Function setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHash( SID As String, username As String, firstname As String, lastname As String, profilePictureUrl As String, As String, externalUserId As Long, externalUserIdSpecified As Boolean, externalUserType As String, room_id As Long, room_idSpecified As Boolean, becomeModeratorAsInt As Integer, becomeModeratorAsIntSpecified As Boolean, showAudioVideoTestAsInt As Integer, showAudioVideoTestAsIntSpecified As Boolean) As String 40
Table : roomtypes 41 roomtypes_idname 1conference 2audience 3restricted 4Interview 5custom Restricted audio/video is by default off and everybody either needs to ask or become a moderator to turn on audio/video.