Name______ Smith Period_____
Name______ Smith Period_____ Need Composition Notebook FRIDAY
1.Lab Safety Equipment 2.Compound Microscopes Parts and Functions 3.Body Ruler 4.Compound Microscope Practice 1-Human Hair 5.Compound Microscope Practice 2- Goldfish Water 6. Safety Goggle Cabinet Test 7.Acid and Base Lab 8.Reading Food Labels 9.Modeling Biochemical Compounds 10.Properties of Water
Map #Lab safety Equipment uses 1Eye washRemoves debris from eyes 2showerRemoves chemicals/fire from flesh/clothes 3Safety goggle cabinetUV sterilizer and goggles protect eyes 4Fire extinguishersUse to put out big fires 5Fire blanketUsed to smother fires 6apronsFlame/chemical retardant to protect flesh 7Tables surfacesFlame/chemical retardant to protect body 8glovesProtects against chemicals 9First Aid KitBand-Aids, Neosporin, Peroxide,Bactine for student use 10Fume VentilationGets dangerous fumes out of room SOMEONE MUST TURN ON Part 2: Full page diagram of Classroom labeled with safety equipment #
Use page R8 and the compound microscope to do the following: 1.Do full page sketch of microscope. Label each of the 14 parts. 2.List the function of each part.
BODY RULER ASSIGNMENT Directions: You will make a "body rulers." This will help familiarize you with metric length. My hand span is ______ centimeters. (measure outstretched hand between tip of thumb and tip of little finger) The width of my _____________ fingernail is 1 cm or ____ mm. The width of the back of my hand is ________________ cm. My height is _________________ cm. The length of my foot is _____________ cm.
Purpose: Practice microscope skills and making a wet mount. Procedure: 1.Pull Out a hair, view and draw under 40x, 100x, 400x. Include root and tip Results: Conclusion: 1) Why do we use the wet mount technique when viewing specimens? 2) What was the most difficult task of this lab? 40x 100x400x
Purpose: To practice microscope skills and to view communities of life found in fresh water. Procedure: (Listen to teacher directions and write the steps so they can be repeated by another scientist.) Results: Conclusion: 1) Why was a concave slide used for this lab? 2) What was the most difficult task of this lab? 40x 100x400x
Purpose: To see if our safety goggle cabinet truly kills microscopic life Procedure: 1. Locate live microscopic life on slide. 2. Put slide in safety goggle cabinet for 15 mins. 3. View and draw under 100x Results: Period mins Period mins Period mins Conclusion: 1) Was there any life forms alive? 100x
Purpose: To gain a better understanding of pH and the pH Scale. Part A Procedure: 1) Use the medicine dropper to place a small amount of liquid in the test plate. 2)Use red litmus strip to test the liquid for alkalinity. 3)If no color change use blue litmus strip to test for acidity 4)Fill in the data on the data table. 5)Rinse the dropper three times with water. (use the waste beaker) 6)Repeat steps 2-5 with the next liquid. 7) Check results with full spectrum pH paper & pH probe.
Part B Procedure: 1)Drop 50 drops of baking soda solution in the medicine cup. 2)Test the pH. 3)Add one drop of vinegar and test again 4)Keep adding drops vinegar until the pH tests neutral (No change on red litmus) Part C: 1)Drop 50 drops of milk in the medicine cup. 2)Test the pH. 3)Add fives drop of baking soda solution and test again 4)Keep adding drops baking soda solution and record pH 5)Repeat buffer experiment using vinegar
Purpose: To gain a better understanding of what macromolecules we ingest and learn how to read food labels. Procedure: (Fill out and attach worksheetO Healthy foods contain high amounts of fiber (>2 grams) and protein (>5 grams). Unhealthy foods contain high amounts of sugars (>10 grams) and fats (>5 grams).
Purpose-To gain a better understanding of how atoms combine into compounds and to better visualize macromolecules and their monomers. Lab Kit # __________ Omit Conclusion Question #1
Purpose-To better understand the properties of water that make it essential for life. Results: (Answer all questions on data sheet and the following except Data Sheet Part 2) Part A. Hypothesis of how many drops of water will fit on penny: ______________________ (Answer questions Part IV Data sheet)
Results Continued: Part B. 5. What happens to the water droplets as you roll them around on the wax paper? _______ 6. What does this activity tell you about one of the properties of water? _______________ 7. Scientific term used to describe the property of water discovered in parts A & B: ________ Explain this property in molecular terms: ___________________________________
Results Continued: Part C. 8. Side Perspective drawing of water droplet: Side Perspective drawing of soapy water droplet: 9. What effect does soap have on water? Explain this effect in molecular terms:
Results Continued: For parts A, D, & E fill in answers on data sheet and attach to lab book. Analysis: Attach data sheet into notebook.