September 19, 2011
Greek rootDefinitionWords to Study cacobadcacophony microsmallMicroscope log(y)study ofetymology, psychology Greek Roots 1.2
5.02 Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry) 4.03 Develop the stance of a critic by: considering and presenting alternative points of view or reasons.
Create ?’sMy Notes…
include all the parts that are used to make up a piece of literature. Fiction ( Fake) Made up| Make believe. Figment of writer’s imagination. Non Fiction ( Not fake but true) A story base on real people, places, or events.
Every story is told is using a specific point of view. Point-of-View The angles that the narrator ( storyteller) chooses to tell the story. Four Kinds: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person Limited 3 rd Person Omniscient
1 st Person Shows action through the eyes of 1 character. Uses signal words: I, me, my, we, our, and us. 2 nd Person Narrator uses the pronoun “ you” to bring the reader into the story. The narrator is actually talking to the reader.
3 rd Person Limited The narrator does not take part in the story. Uses one character’s thoughts, feelings Uses signal words: he, she, him, her, they and them. 3 rd Person Omniscient Shows action from ALL the characters viewpoint Knows all thoughts feelings of ALL characters STILL uses words like: he, she, him, they, and them.
What I learned today…
Compare notes with the person next to you. Make sure that you have all the information that you need. You have approximately 2 minutes…
1. Around the room you will find four different fairy tales. You will: a. read one of the stories b. tell me what point of view is being used and the person who is narrating the story. THEN… c. re-write the end of the story using a different Point-of-View. a. For example. If you read a story and it uses I, me, we, us…You should know that the story is using 1 st person point of view. When you re-write the story you will use either 2 nd person or 3 rd person to complete your new story.
Writing Workshop Draft #2 Mysteries of Harris Burdock Research Group Finish Research Start writing Draft#2 Reading Workshop Finish Reading to pg.3-20 Complete a full Reading Reflection Complete Vocabulary Logs. Student/Teacher Conference Work on the items listed under HOMEWORK on the board… until I am able to meet with you. with you.