Dis/Ability in Pop Culture Jitka Sinecká, Ph.D. Class 1
Agenda Introducing myself Introducing myself Introducing the class and syllabus Introducing the class and syllabus Introduction to the topic: Definitions and concepts of dis/Ability Introduction to the topic: Definitions and concepts of dis/Ability
Introducing myself My name is Jitka Sinecka and I finished my Ph.D. in Disability Studies at Syracuse University, USA, in June and came back to the Czech Republic to start this field here. I got two Master‘s in Anthropology and Public and Social Policy from Charles University. I am interested in people labeled with mental dis/Abilities, in human and dis/Ability rights, in d/Deafness since I come from a Deaf family, and in autism. I am 30 years old and I like to climb, work with nonverbal people, make things such as clothes, art etc..
Introduction: Why dis/Ability and pop culture? Dis/Ability is everywhere around us, and we will all be dis/Abled at one point if we live long enough. Do you know anyone who is dis/Abled and what is their dis/Ability? Dis/Ability is everywhere around us, and we will all be dis/Abled at one point if we live long enough. Do you know anyone who is dis/Abled and what is their dis/Ability? The topic of Dis/Ability also occurs in many products around us but we may not notice since we do not have the „dis/Ability lense“. There are many movies, literature, comics, daily newspaper articles, or songs about this theme and this class will help you to look at them with a critical eye The topic of Dis/Ability also occurs in many products around us but we may not notice since we do not have the „dis/Ability lense“. There are many movies, literature, comics, daily newspaper articles, or songs about this theme and this class will help you to look at them with a critical eye
Introducion: Why dis/Ability and pop culture? One might think that dis/Ability can only be scarcely found in popular culture. However, think how many fairytales, TV shows, news stories, movies and novels portray people with disabilities or use some form of disability (blindness, leprosy, deformed body, d/Deafness, autism etc.) to convey a certain message. These varied representations raise a number of questions that will be addressed throughout the course. One might think that dis/Ability can only be scarcely found in popular culture. However, think how many fairytales, TV shows, news stories, movies and novels portray people with disabilities or use some form of disability (blindness, leprosy, deformed body, d/Deafness, autism etc.) to convey a certain message. These varied representations raise a number of questions that will be addressed throughout the course. How is dis/Ability represented? How is dis/Ability represented? How is dis/Ability constructed, by whom and for what purposes? How is dis/Ability constructed, by whom and for what purposes? What meanings does dis/Ability take on? Why these meanings? What meanings does dis/Ability take on? Why these meanings? How do dis/Abled people, telling their own stories, challenge and complicate the conventional portrayal of disability? How do dis/Abled people, telling their own stories, challenge and complicate the conventional portrayal of disability? In what ways have dis/Ability imagery and perception changed over time? In what ways have dis/Ability imagery and perception changed over time?
Who are you? Turn to your closest neighbor and share (1 min): Why are you taking the class? Why are you taking the class? What are your experiences with dis/Ability and other people with dis/Abilities? What are your experiences with dis/Ability and other people with dis/Abilities? If you had to characterize yourself in one word, you would say you are …. If you had to characterize yourself in one word, you would say you are …. Your neighbor will then introduce you to the class Your neighbor will then introduce you to the class
Introducing the class Syllabus Syllabus On-line class in the future On-line class in the future Readings Readings Assignments Assignments Final papers Final papers
On-line class First 2 classes meet here on Tuesdays First 2 classes meet here on Tuesdays The rest will be on-line on Moodle (moodle.fhs.cuni.cz). For login, contact the IT department (Frantisek Pinc, ) The rest will be on-line on Moodle (moodle.fhs.cuni.cz). For login, contact the IT department (Frantisek Pinc, ) Every week, there will be readings posted and you will write your reflections. You will also view some movies left in the library for you (or you can get them elsewhere) on which you will also write short papers). Every week, there will be readings posted and you will write your reflections. You will also view some movies left in the library for you (or you can get them elsewhere) on which you will also write short papers). Send the reflections to Send the reflections to
Why dis/Ability and pop culture? Why do I write dis/Ability with capital „A“? Why do I write dis/Ability with capital „A“? Exercise: Now write your own definition of „disability“ or „dis/Ability“ and share with class when you are done! Exercise: Now write your own definition of „disability“ or „dis/Ability“ and share with class when you are done!
What is dis/Ability and Disability studies? Dis/Ability is any real or percieved limitation in one‘s abilities that affects major life activities Dis/Ability is any real or percieved limitation in one‘s abilities that affects major life activities Disability studies teaches us that it is not dis/Ability that is a problem, the problem is the majority ableist society that creates and presents barriers agaist people with dis/Abilites (physical barriers, excluding from schools, work, life…), prejudices, ableist behaviors, etc.) Disability studies teaches us that it is not dis/Ability that is a problem, the problem is the majority ableist society that creates and presents barriers agaist people with dis/Abilites (physical barriers, excluding from schools, work, life…), prejudices, ableist behaviors, etc.)
Disability-impairment-handicap Impairment – Any loss or abnormallty of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function Disability- Any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being Handicap - A disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an impairment or disability, that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role (depending on age, sex, social and cultural factors) for that individual Source: World Health Organization (WHO, 1980)
Disability-impairment-handicap In shorthand terms, 'impairment' includes those parts or systems of the body which do not work 'properly', and 'disability' centres on those things that people cannot do, primarily basic skills of everyday living. Most of the novelty of the WHO schema lies in the interpretation of 'handicap'. This extends the notion of 'consequences' to difficulties in carrying out social roles, while acknowledging that these vary across social groups and cultural contexts. The disablement process is represented in terms of distinctive but linked areas of consequences (WHO, 1980) DISEASE OR DISORDER - IMPAIRMENT - DISABILITY- HANDICAP (intrinsic situation) (exteriorized) (objectified) (socialized)
Movie:F**k the Disabled (2003) When watching the clips, think of dis/Ability and how it is portrayed in the movie. I want you to develop the „dis/Ability lense“ to see the issues people with dis/Abilities face in everyday life When watching the clips, think of dis/Ability and how it is portrayed in the movie. I want you to develop the „dis/Ability lense“ to see the issues people with dis/Abilities face in everyday life