By mid 1700s Colonist are beginning to develop an American Ideology
Types of Colonies Proprietary Colonies -colonies that are owned by a joint-stock company or an individual examples: NY, Penn, Maryland Royal Colony -colonies that are owned and controlled by the King. Examples: New Jersey
Massachusetts Because of tight community controls some individuals began to offer dissenting opinions -Roger Williams -Believed in the Separation of Church and State and was exiled from the colony and founded Providence R.I. -Anne Hutchinson Her belief in individual worship challenged Puritan leaders and she was banished in a famous trial and fled to R.I. Prime example of early theocracy because religious leaders were also the head of the government in Massachusetts
Massachusetts Because of tight community controls some individuals began to offer dissenting opinions -Roger Williams -Believed in the Separation of Church and State and was exiled from the colony and founded Providence R.I. -Anne Hutchinson Her belief in individual worship challenged Puritan leaders and she was banished in a famous trial and fled to R.I.
New Netherlands -Henry Hudson -Explored the Hudson R. and Hudson Bay areas -Dutch found colony at New Amsterdam -English take colony in renamed New York: Duke of York was brother of King Charles II -Part of the region divided into the colony of New Jersey
Rhode Island -Toleration was Key as R.I. was the first to accept all people founded by Roger Williams -land peaceably acquired from Indians -based on religious freedoms that Williams promoted -thought church and the government should operate separate from one another
Connecticut -founded by Thomas Hooker -wanted more religious freedom than Massachusetts allowed -disliked the requirement of citizens to be church members 1 st seperation of church and state -Fundamental Orders--first constitution in the nation They called for an assembly to elect reps and make laws
Pennsylvania Freedom of Religion -William Penn -Quakers-religious group who practiced worship without ministers and were pacifists -Philadelphia-“City of Brotherly Love” Many types of people flock there -fair treatment of Indians -thriving colony
Maryland -George Calvert -- Lord Baltimore -established as safe haven for English Catholics -Catholics soon outnumbered -Toleration Act ---Law that created religious freedom in Maryland in 1649
Other Colonies -Carolina—royal colony named after King Charles -eventually split into two colonies -Georgia ---James Olgethorpe -began as a safe haven for debtors -was also a buffer from Spanish Florida