Planning & Zoning Commission January 2012
Purpose of the General Plan Required by State Statute Roadmap for growth & development Guides change
Purpose of the Update General Plan is in effect for 10 years Deadline extended to July 2015 Exceeded a population of 50,000
General Plan Requirements Smart Growth Guiding Principles Based on a vision statement Statement of goals and development policies Sets forth objectives, principles, standards & plan proposals Ratification required (election)
Goodyear MPA Incorporated City-Limits: 191 square miles Population 65,275 MPA: 247 square miles Population 71,494
Required Elements Land Use Circulation Growth Area Environmental Planning Cost of Development Open Space Water Resources Housing Public Services Community Character Energy Conservation Recreation Public Buildings Safety Conservation, Rehab, & Redevelopment Neighborhood Preservation Bicycling Economic Development
Project Timeline
Next Steps Adopt Public Participation Plan Existing Conditions Report
Goodyear General Plan Update Questions?
Public Participation Plan
Requirements City Council must adopt a public participation plan ARS states: “adopt written procedures to provide effective, early and continuous public participation from all geographic, ethnic and economic areas of the municipality.” Committed to what is in the plan
Stakeholders APS Arizona American Water Company Arizona Water Company Arizona Department of Corrections (Perryville Prison) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Arizona Department of Transportation Arizona Department of Water Resources Arizona Game & Fish Department Arizona State Land Department Buckeye Water Conservation and Drainage District Bureau of Land Management (U.S. Department of Interior) Businesses Cancer Treatment Center of America Citizen Committees (Arts, CCC, Brownfields, Public Safety, etc.) Citizens of Goodyear Community Service Organizations Cox Communications Development Advisory Forum participants Employees of Goodyear businesses Faith Based Community (Roundtable Group) Fire Districts that serve the area Flood Control District of Maricopa County Franklin Pierce University Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) Home Builder’s Association Home Owners Associations & Neighborhood Groups Luke Air Force Base Liberty Water Company Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Maricopa County Department of Parks and Recreation Maricopa County Department of Transportation Maricopa County Farm Bureau Mining Industry Neighboring Communities (Maricopa County, Glendale, Litchfield Park, Avondale, Buckeye, Pinal County, Gila River Indian Community) Phoenix-Goodyear Airport Property Owners Residents of County Areas Roosevelt Irrigation District School Districts (Avondale, Liberty, Litchfield, & Mobile elementary districts and Agua Fria Union & Buckeye Union HS districts) Sonoran Institute Southwest Gas Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce Students of Goodyear schools Valley Metro Valley Partnership West Valley Arts Council West Valley Hospital Westcor
Objectives Community ownership of the general plan Representation from the entire community Educate the public about the general plan Build and strengthen relationships
Commitment Meaningful and interactive public involvement Early and continuous public involvement Equal opportunities for involvement Results made available to the public
Required Participation Items Adopt a Public Participation Plan 60-day Review Period 2 Public Hearings at Planning & Zoning Commission 1 Public Hearing at City Council Ratification (election)
Phase 1: Preparation & Information Gathering
Launch project website In-Focus Optional: Social Media
Phase 2: Visioning
Form an ad hoc committee to oversee the process Hold a City-wide open house Hold a town hall meeting
2003 Advisory Committee 16 month planning process 23 meetings 21 members Members: 1 Council member, 1 P&Z Commissioner Residents: 3 Pebblecreek, 4 Estrella, 4 Palm Valley, 4 Wildflower Ranch MAG, SunCor, Sunchase, West Valley Hospital
2012 Ad Hoc Committee members: residents 3-4 businesses (residency not required) Invite: ASLD, Luke AFB, School District rep, Large land owner(s) 18 month planning process 18 monthly evening meetings
2012 Ad Hoc Committee Representation from all neighborhoods Represent demographics of Goodyear Selection based on City’s Boards, Commissions, and Committee Appointment Process Meetings open to the public Committee would advise staff Committee would recommend draft plan
Example of Public Process Open House CommitteeStaff Committee60-Day Review Committee
Phase 2: Visioning Form an ad hoc committee to oversee the process Hold a City-wide open house Hold a town hall meeting Optional: Mail-in Surveys Neighborhood Meetings
Phase 3: Plan Creation
Continue ad hoc committee In-Focus Web-based review Optional: Focus groups City-wide meetings
Phase 4: 60-day Review
Mailing to stakeholders (required) Open houses Attend City events Optional: Meet with individual stakeholders Attend local meetings
Phase 5: Review & Public Hearings
Worksessions P&Z Public Hearings (required) City Council Public Hearing (required) Optional: Mailer to each household Meet with individual stakeholders Attend local meetings
Phase 6: Marketing & Ratification
Attend City Events Expanded In-Focus Ballot notification Optional: Mailer to each household Meet with community groups
Update Timeline
Goodyear 2025 – General Plan Update Questions?