University of Iceland School of Education Teacher Education Programme Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir,
The University of Iceland and the Iceland University of Education merged on 1st July 2008 Iceland University of Education became one of 5 schools – School of Education School of Education was founded in 1908 as the Teachers’ College of Iceland School of Education has operated at a university level since 1971
The University of Iceland Around 14,000 students and more than 2000 lecturers and other staff
School of Education Students, around 2500 Academic staff, around 140 Administration office staff, around 70 Study at the School of Education is either campus based, taught at a distance or flexible More than half of the students are distance education students
New Act on the Education and Recruitment of Teachers and Head Teachers, Confirmed in June 2008, become active 1st of July 2011 Requirements: Master’s degree at all levels of schooling Master’s certification in an industrial subject in addition to 60 ECTS of teaching and education studies Lengthening of all teacher education programmes to 5 years (except the education of vocational teachers) Until 1 July 2011 candidates get a license upon completion of a bachelor’s degree and the required Teacher Certification Studies.
Directive on the content of TE programme nr.872/2009 Total 300 ECTS: 180 ECTS at bachelor level and 120 ECTS at masters level (3 years + 2 years) Pre- school teacher: 150 ects: pedagogy 90 ects: pre-school subject 60 ects: other courses Primary and lower secondary school teacher: 120 ects in pedagogy 120 ects in school subject 60 ects other courses Upper secondary school teacher (high school): 60 ects pedagogy 180 ects subject 60 ects other courses
Many different tracks to become a teacher
Faculty-of Teacher Education Early Childhood Education in pre- and primary schools B.Ed./ M.Ed. / M.A. General Teacher Education (two elective subjects) B.Ed./ M.Ed. / M.A. Upper secondary school and university teaching Diploma / M.Ed. / M.A. Teacher Education; subject specialization B.Ed./ M.Ed. / M.A.
Graduates with B.Ed. degree: Programme Primary and lower secondary schools Pre-schools Total Upplýsingar úr nemendaskrá HÍ
Teachers’ competences Teachers at all school levels: Have subject knowledge and competence to organise education according to individual needs. Have research competence to investigate their own work and are able to use evidences from research for school development. Are competent in communication inside and outside the school community as well as they are able to work with communication. They implement societal, important values of democracy into the school community. Are leaders in school development in their field. (Faculty of Teacher education)
Faculty of Teacher Education policy statement, October 2010 Five main points 1 Teacher education is a professional programme to prepare professionals for practice and to participate in the development of Icelandic school system. 2 Faculty members work closely with schools. 3 Faculty members are aware of that teaching methods in TE programme are role models for teaching methods at other school levels. 4 Integration of teaching and faculty research work is emphasized. 5 International collaboration to provide students with possibilities to take part of their study abroad.