Today’s Sermon: Mark 14:53-72: “Jesus Tried By The Chief Priests, Elders And Scribes / Peter’s Denials Of Christ” by Pastor Jim Bomkamp.


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Presentation transcript:

Today’s Sermon: Mark 14:53-72: “Jesus Tried By The Chief Priests, Elders And Scribes / Peter’s Denials Of Christ” by Pastor Jim Bomkamp

Outline of last week’s msg: 1. We looked at Jesus’ first trial (before religious authorities). 2. We looked at the three denials of Jesus by Peter.

Background of last week’s msg: 1. Nothing was legal about this trial. 2. Nothing is more clear than the fact that Jesus was put to death because He declared Himself to be the Messiah. 3. The problem that the religious authorities had in being able to immediately put Jesus to death. 4. On this night, Jesus was first brought to Annas who was the father-in-law of the high priest Caiaphas, but still considered as high priest. Annas interrogates Jesus and then he sends Him to Caiaphas for interrogation.

Lets take some time here to analyze this man, Pontius Pilate: 1. Tiberias Caesar wanted two things out of a governor, he wanted to have “peace” and he wanted them to “bring in revenue”. 2. Pilate had no consideration for the Jews and had done several things that broke the peace and incited rebellions by the Jews. 3. Pilate’s dilemma…

Mark 15:1: The Sanhedrin delivers Jesus to be tried by Pilate

The city of Jerusalem in Jesus’ day

Mark 15:2-5: Pilate interrogates Jesus and asks Him if He is a king

Mark 15:6-13: Pilate tries to release Jesus and asks the people if they would like him to release Jesus, but they choose Barabbas instead

Mark 15:14-15: Pilate tries to release Jesus again, but when the religious leaders and crowd demand that Jesus be crucified, he gives in to the pressure

Mark 15:16-19: the soldiers dress Jesus up as a mock king and then beat, spit on, and mock Him

Chart of the Herod’s in Jesus’ day

The crown of thorns:

Mark 15:20-21: Jesus is forced to carry His cross, but when He can’t do this, Simon the Cyrene was pressed into service


Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name: x2 #1: You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek. Seeking you as a precious jewel, Lord to give up I’d be a fool. #2: Taking my sin my cross my shame, rising again I bless Your name When I fall down You pick me up, when I am dry you fill my cup… You are my all in all