Bilingualism and Bilingual Education Justifications and Rationales
Bilingual Education and Heterogeneity Linguistic diversity economic development social structure education and availability of resources cultural practices and traditions religious differences political participation and traditions values, norms and basic personality traits patterns and traditions of family line Bilingualism related to total structure of political, economic and religious institutions.
Settings Historical variables US ethnic groups Indigenous: Autochthonous and Incorporated Immigrant: with historical and linguistic ties, free-floating, involuntary
Institutional settings Institutions = agencies for crystallizing and consolidating individual attitudes Institutional variables --> affect the character of ethnic groups and the relationship between educational provisions for minorities and mainstream system of education –US: * peripheral * parallel and independent –Some variables: Methods (selecting and retaining students, total length of formal education, etc..) and status (high vs. low)
Behavioral settings All systems of education in heterogeneous society are related to distribution of power = definitions of valued populations –mainstream system manipulate demands for bilingual education explain support or rejection to bil. ed. embrace of all social strata Just equilibrium =understanding of salient differences within the general attitudes to life of individuals and groups
External and Community-type settings External –Country’s relationships to other states Examples: Japan, Germany, Cuba. Communities –Geographically isolated Diffused or enclaves –Bounded comm.. physically, politically or culturally and socially. –Segregated Rural or Urban (ghettos and barrios) –Mobility and migration factors
Sources Baker, C. Key Issues in Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters, Lewis, E.G. Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Oxford: Pergamon, Miramontes, O., A. Nadeau and N.L. Commins. Reestructuring Schools for Linguistic Diverstiy. New York and London: Teachers College Press, 1997.