Quick Program Overview Please complete the MSP Project Template (instead of another Survey Monkey questionnaire)
OMSP’s Logic Model What is a logic model? A logic model presents a picture of how your effort or initiative is supposed to work. It explains why your strategy is a good solution to the problem at hand. Effective logic models make an explicit, often visual, statement of the activities that will bring about change and the results you expect to see for the community and its people. A logic model keeps participants in the effort moving in the same direction by providing a common language and point of reference. More than an observer's tool, logic models become part of the work itself. They energize and rally support for an initiative by declaring precisely what you're trying to accomplish and how.
OMSP’s Logic Model Current OMSP Logic Model 1.Focuses on Research 2.Requires Quasi or Random Experimental Design 3.Must have matched pairs or control groups 4.Primary focus is teacher content Former OMSP Model 1.Focused on Professional Development 2.Focused more on qualitative measures and pedagogy 3.Did not require matched pairs or control groups 4.Allowed focus on either content or pedagogy
Ohio’s Mathematics and Science Partnership’s Logic Model
The following diagrams can be edited in Microsoft Visio if you double click on the diagram
Blank Template (with prompts) Programs are encouraged to alter the template provided on the next slide to help describe their program. If you require assistance, please contact
Step One What is/are the problem/s the grant hopes to solve? What are the roles required to solve the problem? (Do not use the names of people.)
Step 2 Helpful Websites 1. Compendium of Research Instruments 2. Database of Measures of Teachers’ Mathematics/Science Content Knowledge
Step 3
Step 4